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MHA cancels FCRA registrations of 1,807 NGOs and Institutions in 2019; NGOs did not comply with FCRA rules


All such NGOs and institutions have failed to provide information related to their annual income and expenditures for funds received from abroad from the last 6 years. After the Modi government came to power in 2014, the Home Ministry has canceled FCRA registration of more than 14,800 organizations.

The central government has cancelled FCRA registration of 1807 NGOs and educational institutions across the country in 2019. A Home Ministry release said that NGOs and educational institutions registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA) have been barred from receiving funds from abroad. These organizations are accused of violating the FCRA norms or not complying with the rules. 

With the cancellation of the FCRA registration, all these NGOs and educational institutions have been barred from receiving foreign funds. These NGOs and institutions failed to provide annual income and expenditure information on the funds they had received from abroad for the past six years. It is for these violations that their FCRA registration has been canceled. These institutions were repeatedly asked for the income and expenditure information by the MHA but they ignored. According to the FCRA guidelines, registered entities must submit online income and expenditure details online for each financial year.

Some of the prominent NGOs and institutions whose FCRA licences have been cancelled in various states include:

– SALVATION MINISTRIES, SALVATION MINISTRIES and Darul Uloom Imdadia Educational Society of Andhra Pradesh,

– WORLD PEACE MISSION TRUST of Chandigarh,- The Wesleyan Methodist Mission and Notre Dame Sisters Society of Chhattisgarh,

– Young Men’s Christian Association of Gujarat,

– SHALOMLIFE MINISTRIES TRUST of Goa,- The Catholic Christian Minority Board of Education of Jharkhand

– St. Sebastian Church, St. Pauls Education Trust and St Joseph’s Carmelite Convent of Karnataka

– WORSHIPERS MINISTRIES CHARITABLE TRUST and St. Marys Charitable Complex of Kerala

– M P Christian Assembly, Diocese of Bhopal of Madhya Pradesh

– WORLD ISLAMIC NETWORK and The Savion Trust of Maharashtra

– Catholic Mission and Catholic Church of Meghalaya

– TORCH BEARER MINISTRIES and The Fundamental Baptist Churches Association of Mizoram

– THE LIGHT OF ASIA MOBILIZATION of Orissa- St. Joseph’s Convent and Institute of the Foreign Mission Sisters of Puducherry

– Christian Primary School and Methodist Primary School of Punjab

– Zion Full Gospel Church Trust, Young Men s Christian Assocition and Trinity Full Gospel Church of Tamil Nadu


– Anjuman Itiithad Millat, Begum Noor Jehan Foundation and CHRISTIAN SOCIAL SERVICE SOCIETY of Uttar Pradesh

– The Roman Catholic Church, HAKIMUDDIN EDUCATIONAL AND WELFARE TRUST of West Bengal

– University of Rajasthan

Action taken against NGOs after FCRA was amended in 2016.

NGOs and institutions that do not receive foreign contribution in a particular year have to file a zero return for each financial year. Bangalore based NGO Infosys Foundation sought to cancel the registration voluntarily. The official said that after the law was amended in 2016, NGOs like Infosys Foundation which have cancelled their FCRA registration did not come under the act automatically.

After the Narendra Modi led NDA government took reins at the Center in 2014, the Home Ministry has canceled the FCRA registration of more than 14,800 NGOs till date.