Home English Articles SAKSHAM-Savita – National Preconference Workshop On Nov 7,8

SAKSHAM-Savita – National Preconference Workshop On Nov 7,8


SAKSHAM, Samadrishti Kshamatha Vikas Evam Anusandhan Mandal is a service oriented All India organization, which serves for all types Differently Abled persons including Leprosy Cured but Deformed Persons (LCDPs).

“SAVITA Prakosht”, the department of SAKSHAM, is serving LCDPs by undertaking nationwide long-term constructive measures for their empowerment through selfless services on Community Based Rehabilitation and advocacy.

As a prelude to 21st International Leprosy Congress (ILC)-2022, SAKSHAM-Savita conducts a 2 days Preconference Workshop for Volunteers and Voluntary Organizations serving LCDPs on 7th and 8th November, 2022. The goal of workshop is to build the capacity and network the expertise across the nation to address the multifaceted challenges of leprosy by providing our nation specific solutions. More particularly, the workshop is aimed to implement community based rehabilitation through training Volunteers and Voluntary Organizations and to support Government to implement effective rehabilitative measures benefitting LCDPs.

Through resolutions made in this workshop, SAKSHAM requests Govt of India to repeal all discriminatory laws against LCDPs and to provide exclusive reservation for LCDPs not under Locomotor Disability category. As LCDPs are largely uneducated, a request is made that the reservation benefits can be extended to the family members of LCDPs as a special consideration.

Shri Ananta Nayak, Hon’ble Member of National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST),  and Ananth Reddy, Chief Administrator of Sivananda Rehabilitation Home, Hyderabad are the Chief Guests and Swami Bodamayananda, President of Sri Ramakrishna Math, Hyderabad and Dr P.Narasimha Rao, The Organizing Secretary of ILC-2022 are the Special Guests of the event. Shri Dr. S Govindaraj Ji, National President of SAKSHAM & Member of Central Advisory Board, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment presides the workshop. SAKSHAM Telangana has hosted the event. The Workshop is attended by experts and volunteers in the field of leprosy and service organizations across the nation.

ALERT INDIA, the Mumbai based organization working for leprosy control and rights of LCDPs has actively partnered with SAKSHAM Savita in organizing this workshop.