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The Society that stands by the deprived is never defeated – Dr. Krishangopal Ji

Two volunteers honoured by Bhaurao Deoras trust


RSS Sahsarkaryavah Dr. Krishangopal Ji said any society that stands by and supports people of the deprived sections never gets defeated. Delivering his presidential address at the 22nd Seva Samman samaroh in Lucknow, he called upon the privileged section of the society to help the downtrodden. He said we should help people who could not rise enough in their life and remained deprived for one reason or the other, because whatever we have belongs to God. So it must be distributed equitably among people of the God.

He recalled how Bhaurao ji came to Lucknow and started  the RSS work here from 1937 to 1992. In fact, Bhaurao ji started the RSS work in the UP by going to every district, every city in the state at a time when nobody knew about the RSS. He prepared RSS volunteers like Deendayal Upadhyaya and Ashok Singhal. Not just in the UP, he also helped the RSS establish itself in Bihar, Bengal and Assam. Today whatever the RSS has been able to perform in these areas, is all because of Bhaurao ji’s efforts and hard work.

Lauding the hard work done by Bhaurao Deoras Trust, Dr. Krishangopal Ji said it is not an easy task to identify people dedicated to the social cause in the society and honor them. The trust had done a commendable job in this direction.

In Mizoram, the Trust  spotted Lalthyalegliana for honor. It takes four days of trekking 25-30 kms to reach his place because it does not have road or rail connection. Similarly, MA Balasubramanyam from Chennai has been honored. He said the trust is a symbol of national integration. It has so far honored 44 social workers.

Haryana Governor Kaptan Singh Solanki Ji said the 21st century was dedicated to service. When a government works with a sense of service, only then one gets good governance. In 1947 our country got half-Independence, we should strive to make it complete. He announced a grant of Rs 25 lakh for the Trust from his discretionary fund.

UP Governor Ram Naik presided over the function and announced payment of Rs 7.50 lakh for the Madhav Sevaashram, and Rs nine lakh for the housing of handicapped people.