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Hindus May Not Be Found In Bangladesh After 30 years


From 1964 to 2013 one crore 13 lakh Hindus had been compelled to leave their beloved motherland, which means, on an average 230, 612 Hindus are forced to move away from their motherland every year. According to this calculation, 632 Hindus leave the country every day.

Professor Dr Abul Barkat of Dhaka University has revealed this information in his research work titled “Bangladesh Krishi-Bhumi-Jola Sangskarer Rajnaitik Orthoniti” (Political Economy for Reforms of Bangladesh’s Agriculture, Land and Water Bodies).  According to this research, if Hindus continue to leave the country in this volume, no Hindu may be found in Bangladesh after two or three decades.

The book was launched amid a formal function at Dhaka University Senate Bhaban on Saturday.  Dr Barkat’s research shows that during the last seven years of Pakistan regime from 1964 to 1971, around 705 Hindus left the country each day. About 521 Hindus departed from the country on each day from 1971 to 1981.

Around 438 Hindus moved away from the country every day between 1981 and 1991, while 767 Hindus had to quit the country during 1991 to 2001 and 674 moved away from the country in 2001 to 2012.

Dr Barkat in his book states that it’s a terrible thing to leave one’s motherland. Hindu minorities may not be found in Bangladesh after thirty years if this ominous phenomenon continues, expressing concern he said. Dr Barkat has said in his research that Hindus are being forced to leave the country unwillingly due to the Enemy Property Act remaining effective in the name of Vested Property Act.

He further cited that during the Pakistani rule, the Pakistan government  direly hated the Hindus. They wanted to drive away the Hindu community forcibly to destroy the communal harmony between the Bengali Muslims and Hindus. For this reason, the Pakistani military rulers enacted the Enemy Property Act after the Indo-Pak war of 1965.

Abul Barkat’s research presents that 26 lakh acres of land owned by Hindus were occupied taking advantage of the Vested Property Act. This huge dimension of the lands included farmlands, ponds, households, gardens etc. The estimated value of the lands was Tk 6 lakh crore, according to the market price from 2012 to 2013.

Abul Barkat’s research reveals that 72 percent of the total population of Hindus was victimized under the Vested Property Act and 88 percent of them faced dispossession of land during the periods of military governments from 1965 to 1971 and from 1976 to 1990.

Dr Barkat claims in his research that local influential quarters and concerned land offices are mainly responsible for the mishandling of property belonging to Hindus. Plots and homesteads of Hindus have been forcibly occupied by the political influential people, corrupt officials of Land Department through documents’ forgery.

However, Awami League presidium member Pijush Kanti Bhattacharjee has expressed disagreement with Dr Abul Barkat’s research. Bhattacharjee says many Hindus go to India to visit their relatives and for many other reasons; but they don’t want to settle in India leaving Bangladesh. Most of the Hindu citizens of Bangladesh have no intention to move away to India permanently, the Awami League leader added.

Protesting the comment of Pijush Kanti Bhattacharjee, Dr Abul Barkat told The Asian Age that he might have fallen into confusion to speak the truth in fear of losing his political post. He would have said true, if he was not placed in the post of AL Presidium member.

Claiming his research right and acceptable, Dr Barkat has further said the recent scenario of the country proves that his research is 100 percent right.

Kazal Debnath, Presidium Member of Bangladesh Hindu, Boudha and Christian Okya Parishad, has said the research of Dr Abul Barkat is totally right and time-befitting. “It is containing huge documents and witnesses to prove the research accurate.” He urged the government to take necessary steps immediately to protect the rights of minority. Otherwise, the country will see Hindu-vacant within two or three decades lacking the harmony of Hindus and Muslims.

Courtesy: The Asian Age