Pujya Sarsanghchalak, Dr.Mohanji Bhagwat and Sarkaryavah, Sri Bhayyaji Joshi inaugurated the 3 day Samanvay baithak at Shri Dhaam, Vrundavan, Uttar Pradesh, by offering floral tributes to Bharata Mata’s photo. The baithak will be between 1st to 3rd Sept 2017.
RSS Sah Sarakaryvah Sri Suresh Ji Soni in his inaugural address said that all of us are working in various sectors on the basis of Bharat’s spiritual foundation.
We have to move forward in the domain chosen by our organisation keeping in mind the changing world scenario, the conditions prevailing in the country as well as making a right assessment of our respective organization.

Every new work goes through three phases viz Neglect, Opposition and Acceptance. We have overcome the first two phases and are experiencing high acceptance from the society to our work.
The discussions over these 3 days would be on changes in the world, current situation of the country and making a proper assessment of the organisations.
A day prior, Akhil Bharatiya Prachaar Pramukh, Dr.Manmohan Vaidya addressed the press and said that this type of baithaks are organised twice a year. This baithak does not make any decisions but is only for sharing experiences of the senior office bearers of various organisations.
Answering a question, Dr.Vaidya said that every organisation participating in this Samanvay baithak is independent in decision making and evolves its own working mechanism. Those who have not understood this, must understand the working of the Sangh.