Home News Swayamsevaks Serve Society During Cyclonic Storm Vardah in Chennai

Swayamsevaks Serve Society During Cyclonic Storm Vardah in Chennai


Gusty winds wreaked havoc in Chennai for the past two days. Severe Cyclonic Storm ‘Vardah’ hit Chennai and coastal areas of Tamilnadu on 11 December, 2016, causing heavy damage to the city. Winds with a speed of 110 km/per hour uprooted many trees, hitting the Chennai worst after decades. Warning by meteorological department had kept the citizens to stay indoors and safe.

In the midst of this, the RSS Swayamsevaks from various parts of the city were on field helping people to move to safe places; cutting uprooted trees paving the way for vehicles to move freely and cleaning roads. This timely action helped in restoring essential services in the affected area.