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Did Ambedkar Really Visit the RSS Camp ? The Evidence


–Ayush Nadimpalli

There are some people who have made it their mission to divide the Hindu society and what better tool for them than to create confusion among the Scheduled castes about RSS and presenting themselves as saviours of Dalits. They know very well that it is the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh ( RSS ) which is working for consolidating the Hindu society as one overcoming all differences.

For this, they make use of fake propaganda. One such site is velivada.com ; In their article “Did Amebedkar Really Visit RSS Camp ” , they quoted our article Dr. Hedgewar the Founder of RSS as one of the sources of the news that Dr Ambedkar visited RSS Camp.

They write that Ambedkar never visited the RSS camp because he has not written about it in his works. This is a strange claim because Babasaheb himself never contradicted the point that he had been to the RSS camp when this was spoken about extensively during his own lifetime .

We had given a reference of a participant of the 1939 camp , Sri Gangadhar Bagul’s . But, velivada calls this claim fake because that person is a swayamsevak. . It doesn’t matter to them that his was a first hand account.

So, let us look at a more important reference. This is of extremely high importance because these are reminiscences of person was never a member of the RSS and in fact served as a Member of Parliament , Sri Balasaheb Salunke. He was a close associate of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.

In the book, “Aamche Saheb“, a compilation of reminiscences of Sri Balasaheb Salunke, compiled by his son Kashyap Salunke with Bhanudas Gaikwad , extensive references about his various experiences with Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar are there. Reference to the visit of Ambedkar to the RSS camp wherein he had also accompanied him is made in it. Page 25 and 53 of this book has the references.

In page 53, he writes ” I had the fortune of meeting two great persons who were struggling for the upliftment of the depressed classes , Pujya Babasaheb Ambedkar and the founder of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Pujya Dr. Hedgewar at Bhausaheb Gadkari’s place “Pratapgarh” on 12.5.1939.

In the Page 25 , last para ” he writes

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and Dr. Hedgewar ( founder of RSS ) met at Bhausaheb Gadkari’s home in Pune. Sri Bhausaheb Abhyankar took all of us (including Balasaheb Salunke ) to the summer camp. Dr. Ambedkar addressed the swayamsevaks on military discipline and organisation.

The above material is sufficient to prove that sites like velivada have only one agenda – to work towards create a divide among Hindus. We only hope that Sri Balasaheb Salunke , a member of the Scheduled Caste, a close associate of Babasaheb Ambedkar, a Member of Parliament is not dismissed as another Sanghi , just because he wrote the truth.