Dharwad, 30 October. The nation is celebrating Amrit Mahostav, the 75th year of Bharat’s independence. On this occasion the swayamsevaks of sangh in collaboration with various organisations and society and also independently will organise events to celebrate and bring forth the unknown freedom fighters like Rani Abbakka, Velu Nachiyar, Rani Gaidinliu before the society said Dattatreya Hosabale, Sarkaryavah of RSS.
He was addressing the press meet on the final day of the Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal meeting at Dharwad.
Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale said that India’s freedom movement has been unique in the world, having lasted for a long time. The unity of the country was manifested in the movement. This movement was not only against the British, but was a movement for India’s selfhood. That is why the Swadeshi movement got attached with the freedom movement along with swa-bhasha, swa-sanskriti etc. Many personalities including Swami Vivekananda worked for awakening the soul of India. So, on the occasion of 75 years of independence celebrations, the present generation should take a pledge to work and make India excellent in every field in the world.
Sarkaryavah said that it has been decided to organize the 400th birth anniversary of Guru Teg Bahadur Singh, the ninth Guru of the Sikh Dharma. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji has sacrificed his life for the protection of Dharma and Samskriti. The present generation should be get inspired from his memories.
He said that the Karyakari Mandal meets twice a year, before the pratinidhi sabha baithak and once again between Diwali and Dussehra. The meeting held now is a full three-day meeting. The meeting could not be held last year due to Corona. During Corona, lakhs of swayamsevaks of Sangh did service activities. Due to Corona, the expansion of Sangh work was also interrupted, shakhas could not be function properly, tour program of karyakartas and adhikaris across the country was also disrupted. Direct work in the form of Shakha was affected, but there was extensive work in the form of social service. Along with our regular shakha swayamsevaks, the ones who attended the programs occasionally also worked actively in the social service activities.
He said that in view of the possibility of third wave after the second wave of Corona, training camps were organized in each state in view of the preparations to deal with it. Due to which if the situation of third wave arrives, then we are ready to deal with it with the cooperation of the society. I pray to God that such a situation does not arise, but if the third wave comes, we are ready.
He said that the daily shakha is held at 34 thousand places, weekly shakha at 12780 places, monthly milan at 7900 places, which means at 55 thousand places the direct work of the Sangh is there. At present 54382 daily shakhas have been running across the country.
The year 2025 is going to be the centenary year of sangh. Generally, we prepare a plan to expand the organization every three years. From this point of view, it has been decided to take our work to mandal level. At present, out of 6483 blocks in the country, there is sangh work in 5683 blocks. There is work in 32687 mandals. Out of 910 districts sangh has its work in 900 districts, 560 districts have 5 shakas at district headquarter, 84 districts have shaka in all mandals. We have thought that in the coming three years, Sangh work (the year 2024) should reach all the mandals. There is also a plan to engage full-time workers during 2022 to 2025 for at least 2 years. Even though the regular shakha was disrupted due to Corona, on the basis of regular sampark, Guru Puja could be organized at 105938 places in the country.
He said that education and employment have been affected due to Corona. Swayamsevaks have started work for the self-reliance of the people. Swayamsevaks are helping in the fields of employment generation, skill training, marketing of goods produced by the local people, providing bank loans etc. In the coming time, we will try to pay special attention to this.
In response to the question on population policy, he said that every country should have a population policy, and it should be equally applicable to all sections of the society. Population policy should be made keeping in mind the availability of natural resources. On the basis of the resolution passed by the Sangh earlier on this matter Sarsanghchalak Dr. Mohan Bhagwat ji has just reminded it again.
Environmental protection is a daily activity, only banning firecrackers on Deepawali will solve the problem? It will not solve it. Firecrackers are used in many countries of the world. So, what type of firecrackers are to be banned has to be seen. The subject should be looked at in totality. The decisions cannot be taken in hurry. There should be a holistic and timely discussion. You will also have to think about the people and employment engaged in this industry.
On the matter of Anti Conversion law Sarkayavah Dattatreya Hosabale said that it is not right to increase the number by means of fraud or allurement. This cannot be accepted. Why is there opposition to the Anti-Conversion Bill? In Himachal the Congress government passed the Anti-Conversion Bill, in Arunachal the Congress government passed the law on the basis of its experience on the issue. So, the conversion should stop, and those who have converted should declare that they are converted and stop taking advantage on both sides. Sarkaryavah said that if a law is made to stop the conversion, we welcome it.