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“Jo Nahi Bholenath Ka Wo Nahi Humari Jaat Ka”, members of the tribal community send postcards seeking de-listing to PM


The Janjati Suraksha Manch (JSM) has once again reiterated its demand for a nationwide delisting exercise to identify those among the tribal (Janjati/Vanvasi) people who have embraced any other religion other than those originated in Bharat.

In latest episode, the members of the Vanvasi Kalyan Parishad while endorsing the demand for such an exercise across Bharat have penned postcards to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

According to the information available, members of the Vanvasi Kalyan Parishad of Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh have written postcards to the PM requesting amendment in Article 342 of constitution alongside depriving those who have converted to the other religions from availing reservation benefits exclusively reserved for the Scheduled Tribes (STs).

In a tweet posted by the official handle of the JSM, the members of the Vanvasi community can be seen raising slogan in favor of a nationwide delisting exercise. The members can also be heard raising slogans like “Jo Bholenath Ka Nahi Wo Hamari Jaat Ka Nahi” (Those who are not of Bhagwan Shiva are not of our community), Samasya Anek Samadhaan Ek (Many issues but one solution…de-listing, de-listing).

“On the call of JSM, People of the tribal society in Khargone, Madhya Pradesh have written postcards to the Prime Minister, requesting amendment in the article 342 alongside removal of converted people from the reservation list,” read the post of the JSM.

Long pending demand of de-listing

It is pertinent to mention here that, off late, the Janjati community across different states of Bharat has been have been hitting the streets raising their voice against the menace of conversion alongside demanding for a nationwide delisting exercise to identify those among the community who have changed their religion but still owns a ST certificate and availing benefits of the reservation.

It is noteworthy that the demand for delisting is one of the long-pending issues of the Janjati community, many of whose leaders have time and again emphasized on the need for a nationwide de-listing exercise. This includes greats like Baba Kartik Oraon, who had also supported the cause to safeguard the rights exclusively given to the community.

Those who are in favor of such an exercise argue that the Article 341 of the Constitution say that if people from the Scheduled Caste convert, then they will be deprived of the benefits of reservation. A similar amendment should be introduced in the Article 342 for the STs.

Earlier addressing an impressive gathering of around 50000 people in the Ulgulan de-Listing Maha Rally at Morhabadi Ground of Ranchi in December last year, the national convener of the Janjati Suraksha Manch and former minister Ganesh Ram Bhagat had asserted that “the framers of the constitution had envisaged provisions for reservation and other developmental facilities for over 700 tribes in the country. However, the benefits of these provisions predominantly accrue to those who have forsaken their traditional practices and converted to other religions, thereby depriving the original Janjati community for intended benefits”.

Grand rally at New Delhi in November

It must be noted that the Janjatiye outfit is also preparing to hold a mega rally on the issue in national capital, New Delhi in the month of November this year. If sources are to be believed the tribal body is planning to organise a gathering of at least five lakhs people of the community in the proposed rally.

We have already started our preparation and will hold a grand delisting rally in the national capital around November, we are planning to mobilize lakhs of people for this, delisting is the need of hour, this is linked to protecting our very identity, informed an official of the JSM, familiar with the ongoing preparation for the mega rally.