Home News 100-foot tricolours to fly atop all district headquarters in Telangana

100-foot tricolours to fly atop all district headquarters in Telangana

  • All districts, barring Hyderabad will soon have Indian national flag flying high on an over 100-foot high flag posts
  • It is the wish of chief minister KCR to see monumental Indian national flags to stand tall in all the districts

A year after unfurling a mammoth flag on a 291-foot high flag post at Sanjeevaiah Park in the city, chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao now wants monumental tricolours to fly high in all the district headquarters in Telangana.

All districts, barring Hyderabad will soon have Indian national flag flying high on an over 100-foot high flag posts. It is the wish of chief minister K Chandsrasekhar Rao to see monumental Indian national flags to stand tall in all the 30 districts (excluding Hyderabad which already has one in Sanjeevaiah Park).

Roads and buildings minister Tummala Nageswara Rao has asked the officials of his department to take up the project. “It will not be as tall flag post and as large flag as the one in Hyderabad . The idea is to have over 100-foot flag posts to stand tall in every district head quarters. It would be a monumental one so that it keeps flying high round the clock and is not brought down at dusk,” sources said.

When contacted, Roads and Buildings engineer-inchief I Ganapathi Reddy confirmed to TOI that keeping in view that HMDA is struggling to maintain the monumental flag in Sanjeevaiah park due to its cost maintenance, they are planning to erect a little over 100-foot high flag posts so that maintenance is not a problem.

“The size of the flag will be decided soon. However, the flag post would be a little higher than 100 feet. We are writing to to all the District Collectors to identify parks, picnic spots or a place to erect the monumental flag where peo ple can come and spend some time. The idea is to develop it as a tourist-cum-picnic spot in every district headquarters,” Ganapathi Reddy said and added though the war and tear of the flag even on the over 100-feet flag post would be there, it would not be as much as it is in case of the mammoth flag on 291-feet high flag post in Sanjeevaiah Park.

Courtesy: Times of India