Home News Sister Nivedita Birth Anniversary Celebrated by Samachara Bharati

Sister Nivedita Birth Anniversary Celebrated by Samachara Bharati


Sister Nivedita gave her all for India. Even though she was born in Ireland, she considered India as her holy land. In a short life span of 44 years, she spent over 13 years devoted to understand and serve India. She had a firm conviction that the lasting peace and harmony in the world is possible when an India, strongly rooted in Hindu culture regains its true position in the comity of nations of the world said Prof. Sumati Narendra, former HoD of Telugu, Osmania University. 

Prof Sumati was speaking in the “Women Meet for Journalists, Writers and Social Media Activists”  organised by Samachara Bharati Cultural Assoication on 29th Oct 2017 on the occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary year celebrations of Sister Nivedita at Indian Institute of Management and Commerce, Hyderabad.  

Dr. Puttaparthi  NagaPadmini said that women have the strength and are in fact the primary carriers of culture from generation to generation.  She mentioned that Margaret Noble got inspired by Swami Vivekananda thoughts and offered her service to Bharat maata , accepted the Hindu way of life as her own and thus become Nivedita.   

During a time when the British were ruling India, she opposed the atrocities committed by the British. She believed in the inherent genius and greatness of the Hindu women and worked to instill confidence among women. She ran a school for girl children, taught vocational training, served the people of Bengal during plague, inspired freedom fighters.  

The program was attended by both seniors and young journalists, writers and social media activists. The program was convened by Smt. Devika and Smt.Aradhana. There was a discussion also among all the participants about how to address the various issues related to portrayal of women in media and writings.