Home News Garakaparru villagers should withdraw SC’s Social boycott-Dr.Ambedkar’s Statue to be erected side...

Garakaparru villagers should withdraw SC’s Social boycott-Dr.Ambedkar’s Statue to be erected side by to other National Leaders’ Statues

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Fact Finding comitee report:

Garakaparru villagers should withdraw SC’s Social boycott-Dr.Ambedkar’s Statue to be errected side by to other National Leaders’ Statues

Samajika Samarasata vedika,Andhra Pradesh:

    Samajika Samarasata vedika,AP is strongly condemning the Social boycott of SC’s of Garakaparru village,palakoderu Mandal,West Godavari district.,AP.This incident is un-democratic,  illegal.& inhuman.

On the bank of Garakaparru village lake there  are statues of national leaders- Mahatma Gandhi, Alluri Sitaramaraju, Katamrayudu. Local SC’ people wanted to erect Dr.Ambedkar’s statue Sid by to orher statues.Local TDP leaders Indukuri Balaramaraju & others objected for the errection of the Dr.Ambedkar statue  there.The village leaders adviced the SC’s to unveil Dr.Ambedkar statue in their own SC colony.But the local SC people insisted to unveil Dr.Ambedkar statue on the bank of lake where others statues are there.

The village leaders organised all castes people,to boycott the SC’s as a reaction that SC’s are not obeying their decision.

Dr.Ambedkar is merely not a SC leader.He is a national leader.Advising SC’s to unveil Dr.Ambedkar statue in SC colony only is not proper.Eventhough Indukuri Balaraju helped a lot in local  SC’s development,and had good relations with SC’s,his & village leaders’ superior caste mind-set is the sole reason for this worst unhappy incident.

Local Revenue & police officials failed to understand the gravity of the situation & failed to discharge their constitutional responsibilities.


    1) SC people who were socially boycotted ,Govt.should give necessary economic,social support.

2)The villagers should immediately withdraw SC’s social boycott.

3) The villagers should take lead in errecting Dr.Ambedkar’s statue side by to other leaders’ statues.

Samajika Samarasata vedika  appeals the vllage leaders not to take prestige issue & to take  initiative in bringing social harmony among different castes of the Garakaparru village.By bringing  social  harmony only we can get village development & prosperity.

Some more points:

1. On 23rd April Garakaparru villagers Unveiled Dr.Ambedkar statue on the bank by the side of other statues.

2. On 24th night Dr.Ambedkar statue was removed.

3. Local SC’s and SC organisations are conducting Dharnas and peaceful demonstrations.

4. April,May,June three months no action,no positive response from Govt.machinary.

5. After the visit of National SC commission member Sri Ramulu on 26th June then on,28th June night Indukuri Balaramaraju and two others were arrested.

6. Garakaparru SC colony people all are almost Christians.Now there is malicious propaganda by Christian,Congress and leftist lobby that RSS & BJP are behind these bad incidents.

7. On 29th June Sri D.Busiraju State President SC.,ST Hakkula Samkshema Vedika visited the village interacted with both the groups and interacted with SC leaders and challenged them to prove RSS links to these incidents. All SC organisations became silent.

    MGK Murthy,IAS(R) state President, Samarasata vedika

    Pratap Raju,Dist.president,SSV,West Godavari district.

    Ramakrishna,SSV,Dist.General Secretary