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Kerala – Caught in the Devils Clutches


Reader’s Contribution:  Shubham Tiwari

The Red flag of Communist Party of India CPI (M) is dyed in the blood of its political opponents and hammer and sickle have become justifications for unending rivers of blood, suffering and sorrow. Violence, bloodshed, oppression and hegemony are an integral part of so-called “People’s Democracy” which seeks to extinguish alternative thinking.

The fascist face of the Communist rule in the state of Kerala is once again exposed after the cold blooded murder of a 24 year old ITI student and ABVP Karyakarta Shri Shyam Prasad on 19th January 2018 in Kannur when he was on his way back to home. After the left government came back to power in Kerala in May, 2016 the attacks on Nationalists in the state have become more frequent. RSS alone has lost 15 of its Swayamsevaks in this brief span of time. The political patronage accorded by the Pinarayi Vijayan government to this genocide of opponents is evident with political murders even in the Chief Minister’s native village. Naturally the Chief Minister did not deem it necessary to visit the victim’s house. Lenin-Stalin model of fascist rule is being replicated by Vijayan in Kerala.

The political bulldozing is rooted in the Communist ideology of extinguishing all alternative thinking after seizing the instruments of power. The statistics of communist violence in Kerala speak for themselves. There are households in Kannur which have lost their generations fighting against this sickle. In order to trace the roots of this violence it is pertinent to go back to 1967 when for the first time Nationalist thought entered the public sphere of Kerala with the National Meeting of Jan Sangh organised in Calicut that resulted in the first political murder in the history of the state. In 1969 RSS member Shri V. Ramakrishnan was killed and since then more than 280 RSS/BJP workers have been brutally killed for propagating Nationalistic ideology. Communists in Kerala have told the entire country by shamelessly patronizing these political murders that they have a model of governance where there is no place for opposing political thoughts and they keep democratic values below their feet.

The fascist regime in the state of Kerala can be understood in the context of the system of “Party villages” developed by the CPM. Under this system, innumerable villages in Kerala have been declared as “party villages”. In these villages, the CPM decides what will be cooked in the households, which songs will be heard and which newspaper will be read. These villages have been converted into bastions of totalitarian fascism. This is the harsh reality that sustains the party of the Karat couple who deliver fashionable lectures in educational institutes of the country on Freedom of Speech.

Equally disturbing is the parallel government of CPM in these villages. For instance if murder of RSS Swayamsevak takes place then CPM will surrender the accused to the police on the pre-condition that Police will not oppose his bail, no angle of conspiracy will be investigated. When the entire state machinery colludes with them, justice dies at the doorsteps of the courts and hardly any perpetrator is convicted. This is the nexus with which CPM is able to exterminate its opponents at will.

God’s own country is slowly turning into Devil’s own country. This is not an exaggeration but a naked truth that needs telling.

The other disturbing trend witnessed in the Kerala is Communists joining hands with Jihadis forces against the Nationalist forces. It’s no longer merely about ideologies. Communists, infatuated by China and North Korean dictator’s dream of hoisting Red flag in India and Jehadis inspired by ISIS ideology want to hoist Green flag all over the country. In the midst of that, likes of 24 year old Shyam aspire for his tricolor to fly high in his motherland but end up being silenced by goons of CPM. His murder is the murder of Indian democracy under the patronage of democratically elected government in the state which has taken oath of Indian Constitution and history for sure will accord them right place for their inhuman and cowardice conduct.