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Like France, Commission of Inquiry be set up to enquire into the misdeeds of the Church in Bharat – Dr. Surendra Jain


New Delhi. VHP has said that there is an urgent need to set up an inquiry commission like the Niyogi Commission to expose the misdeeds of church priests and missionaries involved in horizontal religious conversions and liberate Bharatiyas from the monstrous and wicked conspiracies of the Church! VHP Joint General Secretary Dr. Surendra Jain said in a statement that like in France, the unacceptable deeds of Indian Churchanity are also not hidden from anyone. Now Bharatiyas must also be freed from the sinful tricks and activities of the clergy. He said that strict laws are necessary for the liberation of Bharat from the curse of illegal conversions being carried out by force, fraud and allurement by the Church.

VHP said, it is shocking news that in France alone 330,000 children have been victims of sexual abuse by Christian clergy. A commission conducting scientific research on the misdeeds of church in France has released this horrifying report after two and a half years of extensive and intensive study. Earlier, the Church of France used to be in denial mode about such allegations, but when this scientific research report was released, the bishop there had to apologize. Today the Church of the whole world is entangled in and loaded up with allegations of sexual abuse and adultery. At first, they bald-facedly and audaciously deny these allegations, but when the facts & figures come out, they are forced to apologise. That is why the Western society is turning away from the Church. From where the Church originated, now the people there are deserting it and it is thus on its way to evaporation!

It is the clear view of the VHP that this is the time for their self-analysis and reformation. They must immediately stop their conspiracies of horizontal religious conversions in countries like Bharat and motivate their clergy to reform.

Dr. Jain Said that the history of and the current situation with the Church in Bharat too is full of disgraceful incidents. From the era of Goa inquisition to the murders of Swami Lakshmananand (Odisha) and the saints at Palghar (Maharashtra), the Churchian history is filled with many gory and blood-spattered pages. In Bharat, they have converted only by force, fraud and allurement. Similarly, innumerable incidents of sexual abuse of nuns keep coming to the fore. Some nuns have also committed suicide. Now some agitations are going on in their midst against the sexuality of the priests. Many incidents of human trafficking and selling of hundreds of orphan children abroad from the church-run orphanages have also been exposed. Several state governments have also pointed fingers at the Church for their links with the Naxalites and the terrorist organizations of the North-East. It is the misfortune of Bharat that when these sins come to the fore, the Church glorifies the guilty instead of apologizing. Reception ceremonies were held for the rape accused Bishop Franco on his being let loose from jail.

VHP demands that now a nationwide inquiry commission like the Niyogi commission should be set up to enquire into the conspiracies of the Church in Bharat and the culprits should be given exemplary punishment. The demand of the VHP is that the central government should now make a law immediately to stop such horizontal religious conversions by those who see themselves to be outside the cultural commonwealth and fraternity of Bharat.

VHP suggests the church functionaries to come forward and voluntarily confess their sins and stop illegal conversions and other illegal activities, otherwise VHP will launch a massive movement to expose their conspiracies and stop illegal conversions.