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“Making of a Hindu Patriot” book released by Shri Mohan Bhagwat


Gandhi said that my patriotism originates from my religion. I will understand my religion and become a good patriot and inspire others to do the same. This was said by Sarsanghchalak Dr. Mohan Bhagwat, Shri Bhagwat was speaking on the occasion of the release of the book ‘Making of a Hindu Patriot organized at Gandhi Darshan at Rajghat. Authored by Dr. Jitendra Kumar Bajaj and Prof. MD Srinivas, the book has been published by Centre for Policy Studies in association with Har Anand Publishers. Dr. Mohan Bhagwat released the book containing 1043 pages on the occasion

Speaking to an august gathering that included scholars, academicians, social thinkers, Dr. Bhagwat said that Gandhiji had expressed his views about religion and said that my religion is the religion of all religions, that is the religion that carries all religions together is my religion.

Dr. Bhagwat said that Gandhiji has written a lot, but he became an example of what he wrote and practiced it to the core. In fact, the ideal people are such that instead of preaching to others, they set an example for themselves. He said that the fight for freedom for Gandhiji was not just a fight to change the power sitting in the state, but it was a fight to rebuilt  india, Gandhij has called it a struggle of civilizations and said that “To understand what Swaraj is, we have to understand Swadharma Till we do not understand Swadharma, we cannot understand Gandhi’s Swaraj”

Hon’ble Sarsanghchalak ji further added that Mahatma Gandhi’s values and thoughts are more thoughtful and exemplary today. But he lamented that we are not able to follow them We should fallow his life and thoughts” he said and called upon the people present to teach all the people of the society the religious conduct and instill in the people a sense of affinity towards all religions. “Only then will Gandhiji’s dream of Swaraj come true” he said.

Regarding the released book “Making of the Hindu Patriot he said that this book is a certified researched book. if Gandhiji is to be understood understand, then it is necessary to read this book

In his address, Hon’ble Minister of State for Culture and Tourism (Independent Charge) and Vice-Chairman of GSDS, Shri Prahlad Singh Patel said, ” have tried to read and live Gandhiji as per my ability and added that the context and timing of this book is important and congratulated the author duo for the release of this book.

Earlier the Shankaracharya of the Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, Reverend Vijayendra Saraswati said that Gandhiji was associated with religion. On 15 October 1927, he discussed a wide range of topics with Shri Chandrasekaran Saraswati in Kerala. He said that patriotism and devotion should go together. “Gandhiji was a social and religious person. The publication of an authentic book about him is a commendable work” he said.

Author of the book Dr. JK Bajaj gave a detailed insight about the book. He said that by studying Gandhiji, he found that Gandhiji had seen religion in everything he does.

On this occasion, the co-author of the book, Prof MD Srinivas also expressed his views through the virtual medium. At the release ceremony, the Chancellor of the Central University, Dr. Mahesh Sharma Shri Narendra Kumar of Har Anand Publication, Shri Basant, former Advisor GSDS, Shri Govindacharya, Shri Dattatreya Hosabole along with other dignitaries were present.

The programme also telecasted recorded Ramdhun by Pt. Dattatreya Vishnu Paluskar, along with Gandhuji’s favourite hymn (recorded) Vaishnav Jan’ sung by Smt. MS Subbulaxmi and recorded Vande Mataram by Bharat Ratna Pt. Bheemsen jhoshi