Home News Media misquotes RSS Sarsanghchalak’s speech

Media misquotes RSS Sarsanghchalak’s speech


Here is a classic example of how Indian media has been misquoting the speech delivered by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhaghwat ji during the conclusion of the six-day-Vednatha Sammelan at Shri Purnanand Ashram in Haridwar on April 13.

Addressing a gathering of saints and seers the Sarsanghchalak has said that “the society has been moving forward to achieve a purpose. You (the audience) have been guiding it. We are always with you. It takes time to achieve. The materialization of the purpose is not that much easy as we think though we make lengthy discussions on it. Nothing is with me. Everything is with the people. There is an Ankush (hook) in their hands. If they prepared the fate of everyone will be changed. We have been doing preparations in that direction. You also do the same. Let us move forward ideally and united with the same pace. Let us move united without defeat and without fear on a successful path.”

Dr Mohan Bhaghwat ji also said that “the world listened to the people with power. We have our own power. Let us gain the power. We have to display the power. Let us move cautiously which we have been doing”.

RSS Sarsanghchalak ji has said that “Let us move with the same pace. Let us complete the work as expected. You are saying that it will take 20-25 years to complete. I am saying that it will take 10-15 years if we increase the pace. Swami Vivekananda visualized the Bhavya Bharath with his psychic eyes, the Bharath which we have been aspiring. Sri Aurobindo has predicted that we are going to witness the Glorious Bharath with this body, eyes in the present life time. That is the ambition to both of us. That is the will to all of us.”

Sarsanghchalak ji in his speech quoted the Glorious Bharath visualized by Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo and spoke about the earlier realization of the Glorious Bharath.

But some of the media persons found ‘Akhanda Bharath’ in his speech where Sarsanghchalak ji didn’t spoke a single word about it. They dished out articles with ‘Mohan Bhaghwat says Akhanda Bharath in 15 years’ as headline. They also started propaganda with questions such as “On what capacity he is talking about it? Is he Prime Minister? Is he Home Minister? Is he a Judge?”

This is the way the media has been behaving when it comes to the RSS.