Guwahati. Sachetan Nagarik Mancha, Axom, one of leading non-political organizations of Assam, submitted a memorandum to the Hon’ble President of India through the Hon’ble Governor of Assam on 25th May, 2021 urging him to use his authority to take necessary steps to provide security to the victims of post-election violence in West Bengal. In the incidents of violence 23 persons lost their lives, more than 4 women were raped and killed, 39 other got rate threat. 2157 people were attacked, 692 persons got death threat. Properties of 3886 families have been destroyed. More than 70,000 people belonged to 3000 villages have been victims of attack. The Mancha observed that people belonged to different ideology and economically backward schedule caste people have been the target of attack.
As of now 6778 victims are taking shelter in 191 shelter camps. In the border areas of Assam more than 1800 people have been taking shelter. The biased attitude of the West Bengal Government in its treatment of the victims is more than evident. In many cases police refused to receive FIR by the relatives of the victims. The injured persons have been denied primary medical facilities. At a time when the whole world is fighting Corona pandemic maintaining social distance, crowded people are entering Assam in large number to save their lives. West Bengal Government’s indifferent attitude is a matter of serious concern. The incidents of violence poses serious threat to our democratic values. The Sachetan Nagarik Mancha, Axom therefore, requests the Hon’ble President to use his good office to ensure law and order situation in West Bengal. The Mancha also urged the Hon’ble President to use his constitutional authority to ensure settlement of the displaced people at the earliest.
The Memorandum was signed by more than 850 prominent persons including noted intellectuals, advocates, educationists, journalists and litterateurs. On the occasion of submission of the memorandum Sachetan Mancha President Chandan Bhattacharjya, Secretary Atul Barman, Advisor Dr. Dayananda Pathak and Dr. Jnanendra Barman were present. It is mentioned that, 850 notable person from 34 districts of Assam are agree with us and has signed respectively. Including of these person- 8 Principals, 292 Professors, 200Advocate, 150 Head Master, 150 Social Workers and 50 members from other organization, all have signed with great appreciation.
Courtesy : VSK BHARATH