Home English Articles Resolutely determined RSS Marching towards Its Cherished Goal

Resolutely determined RSS Marching towards Its Cherished Goal

Vijaydashmi Lekh-Mala: Ultimate Goal Of RSS Vishavguru Bharat. …….17/18

 –Narender Sehgal

Our ancient Nation  was divided into two parts on 15th August, 1947 –  India,  that is Bharat and Pakistan. After Bharat got political independence, Gandhiji suggested that we should disband the Congress party and convert it into a Seva Dal, as the work of Congress has been concluded. But power-hungry leaders did not heed to Gandhiji’s advice. On the other hand, the aim of the RSS was complete freedom for the undivided Nation and restoring it back to its pristine glory. Thus, Sangh continued with its efforts and struggled to achieve its goal.

Power hungry Congress leaders had accepted Pakistan as settled fact ignoring Gandhiji’s principles, ideals and work culture. They fell into the anti-Indian trap of Britishers and gave constitutional recognition to the greatest sin in the form of partition. As a  result, India is facing the grave consequences of partition and the world is also being subjected to the scourge of terrorism originating from  Pakistan’s soil.

The Constitution prepared by Britishers in 1935 was somehow adopted with some changes here and there. Lord Macaulay’s policy of education was meant to make educated Indians as subordinated clerks, mentally slave to Britishers. This policy of distancing Bharatiya from Bharatiyata was continued by new rulers. They blindly followed British imperialistic policies ignoring the needs of Indians, their traditions and circumstances. Gandhiji wrote in his book ‘Hind Swaraj’, “Some people are attempting to make my Indians as Englishmen. But these people must realise that when Indians will become Englishmen India will not be India it will become an odd copy of England. That is not my concept of Swaraj.”

Rising Forces of Disintegration in Divided India

According to Gandhiji, “Britishers have succeeded in trapping India in a confusing web of Western education, administration, constitution and economic system which is not compatible with Indian culture and ethos. If India is not able to come out of this web even after getting Swaraj, there will be no meaning of independence.” Nobody paid any heed to Gandhiji’s warning. This governmental ignorance and ignoring of India’s great cultural values, has cost us dearly and now we are facing the terrible consequences.

India was totally united while fighting for independence. But now fissures are visible on the basis of language, region, caste and religion. While previously there was an environment of unity now we are heading for disintegration. Vote bank phenomena has come into existence and politics of appeasement has taken control with the result that all forms of corruption have taken deep roots. Gap between rich and the poor has widened. Britishers distorted our glorious history to prolong their imperial rule. Today the same twisted history is being taught to demoralise us and give us a sense of inferiority complex.

Nobody is thinking of how to recover our land which has been occupied by foreigners. This is due to our developing alien psyche because of our education. It is worth mentioning that Doctor Hedgewar established RSS to achieve complete independence for undivided India. RSS is still continuing with all its efforts to achieve complete Independence for undivided India. The concept of complete Independence encompasses areas like geography, constitution, educational system and economic policies. These areas have been highly influenced by foreign thought and culture.

RSS continued its Struggle for Complete Independence

After partition Swayamsevak warriors of freedom joined every movement aggressively for freedom including armed revolution, Satyagraha, Quit India Movement and on several different fronts. They continued with their efforts for complete independence even after India got political independence. Sacrifice by Sangh Swayamsevaks in liberating and integrating states like Jammu and Kashmir, Hyderabad, Goa etc. in Indian Union is a golden chapter in the history of independent India. The efforts of Swayamsevaks in helping administration and armed forces during foreign attacks in 1948 ,1962, 1965, and 1971 while performing their National duties, proved that they were following the footsteps of Dr. Hedgewar in the right earnest. Contingents of RSS Swayamsevaks were invited to join Republic Day parades by the then governments in recognition of their efforts and sacrifices. From its inception to the present day, RSS by its consistent and tireless efforts during the past 95 years, has turned into a silent but powerful movement. Swayamsevaks, full of nationalistic fervour and spirit have been igniting the flame of love for the Nation among country men, doing social service and spreading national consciousness. Sangh has turned into a mighty banyan tree under which our country men are finding solace of pleasant breeze. Indian society from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, consisting of different faiths, castes and sections has turned into a formidable force under the banner of Sangh by the tireless efforts of its Swayamsevaks.

Multi – dimensional work of RSS

To understand the nationwide working of RSS one has to understand four- pronged working of RSS. First dimension is direct Shakha working. Sangh Shakha is like a generator that supplies current of nationalism and its values to illuminate all aspects of society. Second dimension of RSS is Sangh inspired different organisations serving different sections of society like farmers, students, forest dwellers, labourers and several other different service-oriented organisations. Third dimension of RSS consists of efforts of its Swayamsevaks in their personal capacity. These activities include opening schools in remote areas, newspapers, publishing, writing work, dispensaries and several other service oriented charitable works. These independent efforts are driven by the spirit of nationalism inspired by RSS. Fourth dimension is most important and much wider. It includes efforts to create national awakening, awareness about Hindutva, different movements, spiritual institutes, conventions and Dharmic organisations. All these organisations operate with the full support of RSS. The Swayamsevaks not only participate in various activities of these organisations actively but also hold important organisational posts by keeping low profile of  their RSS background. Sangh Swayamsevaks through their consistent dedication and sheer hard work over 95 years, have developed a powerful base of Cultural Nationalism or Hindutva in which several seeds of national awakening are sprouting. Sangh has been successful in giving a nationalist direction to the whole Indian society which has been lacking in us for the last 1200 years.

Hindutva or {Bharatiyata} as Ideological Base of RSS

Ideological base of Sangh is that Hindutva is another name of our National identity. This is a historical fact of India. Those who call Hindutva as  a communal, fascist, casteist and anti-national ideology, are those who are responsible for the breakup of our Nation. They were born for the sole purpose of providing a safety shield for imperialist forces. They adopted appeasement policy as their political tool and did their best to destroy Hindutva or Bhartiyata. Inspired by communist Russia and China they tried to destroy Indian culture, Dharam and National spirit but have failed miserably. They are totally ignorant of our glorious past and shining culture and know nothing about our Freedom Struggle of 1200 years.

Established fact is that Vedas, Upanishads, Geeta, and our festivals like Vijayadashami, Deepawali have nothing to do with any religion, place or section. These are essential ingredients of our common heritage and have been in existence since ancient times, before humanity got divided into Islam, Christianity and Hinduism. How can cultural heritage change if someone adopts some different way of worship? Can ancestors be replaced? The word ‘Hindu’ comes from the word Sindhu which is the identity of all Indians. How can anyone deny his National identity? Hindu and Bharatiya are the same. We all are descendants of Hindus. Hindu denotes our Nationhood.

To see the practical aspects of Swayamsevaks and to value their contribution, one should have focussed on their non-political, social and cultural side. Those who are knee deep in party politics, cannot see Sangh’s constructive activities. Goal of RSS is to restore India to its pristine glory. This goal can only be achieved through non-political and cultural means.

Swayamsevaks are consistently working towards their goal and marching forward with solid steps like the legendary step of Angad whom no one could shake. Today Swayamsevaks have identified themselves as symbols of constructive change who are transforming Bharat into a powerful Nation. They are providing support and energy to the society to fight against the evils of corruption, black money, separatism and terrorism. Anti-Sangh forces are getting defeated. Gandhiji’s concept of Ram Rajya is taking a real shape. Swayamsevaks of Sangh are consistently working along with society for complete independence and for all round prosperity of the Nation. Lot has been done but much remains to be done. Much has been left out. Sangh is working hard to regain and recover those things which were left. Victory is sure as Sangh work is providentially inspired.

………………………….to be continued

(Writer is Senior Journalist and Columnist)