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RSS offering 12 kinds of Covid relief works in 43 cities at 219 places


Seva has been the leitmotif of RSS always but the organisation has significantly ramped up its social work during the pandemic times. RSS Swayamsevaks are running Covid help centres in 43 cities in the country while they are also helping district administrations in the relief work in 219 places around the country. Akhil Bhartiya PracharPramukh Sunil Ambekar informed the media of these critical interventions by the RSS in an online interaction.

RSS is providing 12 different kinds of services during  the Covid19 pandemic. “Our organisation (RSS) has an amazing sensitivity and sense of activism.  And Swayamsevaks are risking their lives for the Seva work,” he said. No matter how grave the situation is, our society displays great strength and resilience and the RSS quietly harnesses and consolidates this strength.

Like always, RSS, Sewa Bharti and other organisations are involved in bringing relief to affected regions and families, he said. With the initiative of Sangh, all 12 kinds of relief works have been started with urgency and priority. Isolation centres for patients with symptoms, Covid service centres for confirmed patients, helping Government centres and hospitals, helpline numbers, blood donation, plasma donation, last rites of the deceased, distribution of Ayurvedic Kadha, counselling, Oxygen supply, Ambulance service, food service, mask distribution, vaccine awareness are some of the important works being carried out on an urgent basis by the Swayamsevaks in various regions, Ambekar said.

“We are also helping local administration so that we can win over the grim situation soon,” he added. A hospital in Indore, a 2000-bed hospital facility set up with the help of Radha Saomi Satsang etc are excellent examples of collective work in society. He said that Covid relief facilities are being run in 43 major cities and help is being provided to local administration in 219 hospitals by Swayamsevaks.

Along with vaccine Awareness programme at more than ten thousand places we are also running around 2442 vaccination centres, Ambekar told media and said that RSS needs cooperation from all sections of society, and it is with the collective efforts of both the society and administration that can help win over the Corona pandemic. In reply to a question, he also informed that Plasma and blood are being provided on need basis and in some places lists of possible donors are also being prepared.

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