India has been a seeker of knowledge since the hoary past. The Indian knowledge tradition is special because it does not seek only material knowledge but gives importance to the spiritual knowledge also. Our rishis and munis, thousands of years ago, delved deep into the fathomless depths of both the knowledge streams and with their hard penance collected their thoughts and experiments and experiences into various treaties for the posterity. Whether it is yoga, or science or mathematics, the world benefited from the Indian knowledge tradition. Thus, we are the inheritors of that great tradition, said RSS Sah-Sarkaryawah Dattatreya Hosabale.
He was delivering inaugural address at the two-day national seminar on “Knowledge Tradition of India” organised by Makhanlal Chaturvedi Journalism and Communication University, Bhopal in Patna as part of its Silver Jubilee celebrations.
Hosabale further said that reading books or collecting information do not help acquire knowledge. The true knowledge is the capacity and capability to use that information for the benefit and welfare of the humanity. He said that as per Indian tradition one can gain knowledge both by reading books and by self-introspection and seeking answers to various questions.
He further said that it is mentioned in our ancient texts how the rivers were made to change their courses in a most scientific way. He praised the MCJ University for its efforts to rejuvenate the Indian knowledge tradition. He said that while the other universities seem to have drifted from their basic objectives this varsity is pursuing knowledge in its true tradition. The university has carried its important achievements in this efforts to the various corners of the country, Hosabale said.
Presiding over the event MCJ varsity Vice-Chancellor Prof Brij Kishore Kuthiala said that we need to utilise our rich knowledge tradition in view of the present perspective and future requirements. He emphasised to establishing the similar relationship with nature at present as our rishis and munis did in the past.
He said that the most effective medium of acquiring that knowledge is the Sanskrit language, but that is now neglected. The standard at which this language is being taught in colleges and schools was not satisfactory; he said adding that though the world needs our ancient and rich knowledge, some countries are interpreting Indian treasure of knowledge as per their requirements and whims. We need to interpret this rich treasure for the benefit of the world, he added.
Dr Shatrughna Prasad, chief guest of the inaugural function, said that western nations have always tried to impose their knowledge and ideas on us in spite of resistance to it from our intellectuals. Today we must try to bring forth our neglected treasure of knowledge, he stressed.
Dr Nirmal Mani Adhikari from Nepal delivered a lecture on ‘Communication traditions in India”. He referred to the tradition of Bharat Muni and Maharshi Narada and said that the dialogue was always in public interest.
In the second session, Prof Rameshwar Pankaj Mishra delivered his talk on “Tradition of Economics and Sociology in India” while Swami Subodhgiri spoke on “Basis of spirituality in India” and Vaidya Chandrasekhar delivered his talk on “Tradition of Ayurveda and Life Sciences in India”.
Courtesy: Newsbharati