Dr Manmohan Vaidya, the Head of the RSS Communications wing has scotched the criticism being leveled against him and RSS of spreading their own ‘code of conduct’ through their ‘Samaj Prabhodan’ programs which they are endeavoring to conduct at family level.
“It is not anything new, nor is there a ‘hidden agenda’ as some are alleging. We have been undertaking this program for the last 10 years, we have only sought to increase our reach by intensifying the project” explains Vaidya.
Nagpur has been divided into 12 divisions and RSS workers will be deputed to meet each and every family of their division.
The interaction the RSS workers – called Pracharaks – will have with the family will only be to inculcate and follow our own values which have been forgotten over the years. “There is nothing religious in it, it is common to all families.”
” The joint family structure is fast breaking up. Even in nuclear families, each member is occupied in his or her own issues so ‘together’ quality time has waned. This is leading to increasing tension and stress, specially among youngsters, who are missing out on valuable interaction and discussions with elders and other family members.” Explained Vaidya.
Through their program RSS are appealing to families to spend at least one evening together in the week, eating dinner together. Watching TV at meal times should be avoided and people should decrease their preoccupation with three things: cricket, films and discussing politics.
As Manmohan Vaidya says ” at least exclude these topics on one day of the week!”
“Instead they should spend time talking with each other and discuss things of mutual importance and interest.”
They also advise that once in 5-6 days, at least 5 families should get together and inquire about each other’s well being and spend time interacting together. (This thought probably emerges from the fact that in nuclear families children miss interacting with various aunts, uncles, grand parents, cousins etc. as used to happen earlier when everyone lived together in a joint family structure.)
“As you can see, there is no religious propaganda or any ‘sinister’ hidden agenda in all this; it is beneficial for the whole society, irrespective of which religion they follow or which caste they belong to.” Concludes Vaidya.
RSS plans to continue with the project in coming days.
Courtesy: Nagpur Today