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Tag: Acharya Abhinavagupta

Entire Jammu Kashmir including Gilgit Baltistan integral parts of India –...

“Need to nurture sense of belonging” Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh, Gilgit, Baltistan are all integral areas of Bharat, RSS Sarsanghchalak Dr. Mohan Bhagwat Ji said while...

‘A Swayamsevak is the one who brings a Transformation in the...

“Hindutva is our national identity (Asmita). A Hindu is the one who loves and cares for everyone in the society thinking above caste, gender...

Acharya Abhinavagupta Millennium Celebrations Concludes in Bangalore

The two-day long brainstorming sessions on issues related to Jammu Kashmir concluded in Bengaluru on Sunday, 7, 2017, with the resolve to change the...