Home News It is time to become Citizen Journalists

It is time to become Citizen Journalists



It is time for well meaning people to stop being passive readers and become citizen journalists. In order to spread positivity in society, to counter anti-national narratives and to spread national values in our society, said Sri Gopal Reddy, Retd Professor and president of Samachara Bharati Cultural Association in his inaugural address at ‘Citizen Journalism Workshop’ held in Hyderabad on 26 February, 2017.

This half-a-day ‘Citizen Journalism Workshop’ was attended by 65  members held at Hindu Women’s College, Sanath Nagar This workshop was organised by VSK Telangana, an initiative of Samachara Bharati Cultural Association.Sri Gopal Reddy also added that we should not ignore the anti-national events happening in our country and be a mute spectator. Unfortunately, some people are having a notion that criticizing the nation is freedom of expression and being considered as an act of intellectual which are completely wrong and harmful. Though, our constitution allows freedom of expression, it does not mean one can go beyond boundaries and challenge the sovereignty.

Letters to The Editor & News Writing

Sri R. Umamaheshwar Rao, a senior journalist, and Principal of Rachana college of Journalism explained the dimensions of news and how as a citizen one can influence editorial policy by utilizing the “Letter to the Editors’ feature of media outlets.

Sri Umamaheshwar Rao also gave some tips on writing skills to participants on how an ordinary citizen can start writing letters to editor and gradually upgrade to articles and columns.

Senior journalists Sri Vedula Narasimhan and Sri Chalasani Narendra  took sessions to the participants.

Photo journalism 

Sri P.V Shiva Kumar, of The Hindu gave an informative presentation to the participants and described how a photograph can speak by itself.  He emphasized on the human elements and caution that one should to take before sharing any image on social media or any other media platforms. He also advised participants to stay away from publicly circulating images that may cause negative impact to the society.

Content for Social Media

Sri Pradeep Vuppala, a software professional, gave a presentation on web tools and their features in content building. He explained on how one can exchange and interact opinions and views on social media and how influential they have become in this technologically advanced contemporary times to masses.

He gave details about Quora, Wikipedia, personal blogs, videos and images.

Concluding Session

Sri Vallishwar Rao, chief editor of Bharat Today channel, in his address said citizens must respond to the events that are happening and should have a quest for news, similar to journalists. He also explained how events should be covered that are potential to have social impact for long times.

Interactive Session

Sri Ayush, General Secretary of Samachara Bharati touched upon how many freedom fighters also took up the pen to spread national thought. He encouraged participants to share their feedback and also begin their initiative of writing almost immediately.

The workshop concluded with the vote of thanks given by Sri Bhikshapathi.