Home News Balagokulam, Hyderabad chapter, conducted online Shibir for 2 days

Balagokulam, Hyderabad chapter, conducted online Shibir for 2 days


Balagokulam Bharat (Hyderabad chapter) conducts annual Shibir for all karyakartas which could not be held this year due to the tough pandemic crisis the world is facing. These challenging times however could not deter the determination of the Balagokulam Bharat volunteers to go ahead with not only their regular sessions (referred as e-Balagokulams) virtually, using the digital means, but also conduct their annual Shibir. The Shibir was conducted online with over 65 families from Hyderabad participating in live sessions. These were attended by 29 kids, 37 teenagers and adults.

Balagokulam, Hyderabad chapter, conducted this online Shibir on 23rd and 24th May’2020. The Shibir had engaging interactions between participants in the form of baudhik educational sessions, game activities, yogasana, Geet and shlokas sessions.

The session on 23rd May’2020 had innovative family game – Har ghar Mahadev,  bhajan session and a video walkthrough of many years of Balagokulam work in Hyderabad city. All participants actively demonstrated their creative quick craft of making beautiful shivlingas and sang bhajan.

Morning sessions on 24th May’2020 began with Ekatmata stotra and Sangh Geet. These were followed by very efficiently conducted Yoga session. “Khojo kicho pic Bhejo” an interactive thoroughly enjoyable game received active participation from all participants. This was followed by sessions catering to participants of  various age groups- self-development session for teenagers, patriotic session for kids and session for adults.

The baudhik session was conducted by Shri Annadanam Subramanyam ji who spoke on family values as the strength of the Indian society. He said, a child’s mind is like an empty goods wagon, whatever parents fills it with, children carry it all along their life. Families should discuss about country’s history and culture. All sessions were conducted with Balagokulam’s serene manners of starting with patriotic geet, shlokas and naaraas.

All families completed an intelligently drafted online quiz. Afternoon sessions for kids taught them about taking control of their life and leading it respectfully. Shri Aekka Chandrasekhar ji, Kshetra seva pramukh, RSS, spoke about the need of Balagokulams in the current society and it’s impact on next generation. This session enlightened volunteers about the importance of their work for the society and shaping themselves into devoted Balagokulam karyakartas. A family game- ‘Aao dekhe Bharat’ and quiz in between played with lot of enthusiasm. A team of about 25 karyakartas worked tirelessly towards successful planning and execution of this Shibir.

The Shibir has demonstrated Balagokulam’s creativity, positivity and passion for this cause knows no obstacles. Balagokulam has been an effective initiative to impart the culture heritage and ignite patriotism amongst kids. Currently, 62 weekly Balagokulams are running enthusiastically across Bhagyanagar(Hyderabad) city.