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Dignitaries at Devarshi Narada Jayanti celebration call journalists to work in the interest of nation


Dignitaries who took part in the annual edition of Devarshi Narada Jayanti celebration as World Journalism Day organised by the Samachara Bharati(SB) at Hyderabad has called the journalists to work in the interest of nation.

In his key note address Padmabhushan Dr K.I.Varaprasad Reddy, scientist and industrialist, Shanta Biotechnics Chairman explained the august gathering about the expectations from journalists and exhorted them to not to fall into the polarized world of camp politics of supporting one party or the other, and instead be on in the party of people.

“As we are celebrating Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav on 75 years of nation’s independence, journalists should write and celebrate great nationalist personalities, people who serve others, young entrepreneurs who are able to provide jobs to others etc”, he said.

The Padmabhushan awardee said society has become desensitized with the overload of news on corruption and think that it’s normal to be part of a corrupt society.

“Investigative journalism is being limited to politics. Even when the cases are going on, there are attempts by journalists to influence either courts or people. Rarely does a journalist report on business defaulters or the reality of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Industrialists who dupe others or who serve the nation are never written about except when they are given awards or arrests made. It is important to train the journalists and improve the skills, and also hold refresher courses from time to time. Press also doesn’t write about international covenants like GATT in 1997, which has brought out the patent regime protecting western interests”, the scientist said.

He advised journalists to work in the interests of the nation and the people. Dr Varaprasad Reddy in his very lucid and inspiring talk advised young journalists in his inimitable style.

G. Valliswar, Senior journalist and vice-president of SB exhorted reporters to examine whether their words and deeds reflect the moral values and whether those are in the interests of the nation. He explained that Maharshi Narada was the inspiration behind the great texts Ramayana and Mahabharata. Maharshi Narada was the epitome of highest ideals and values.

Prestigious Samachara Bharati awards were presented to Senior journalists Govindarajula Chakradhar, Vuppala Narasimham, Ratna Chowtrani, Gopagoni Saptagiri and Senior photo- journalist Kesavulu.

Vedula Narasimham, founder member of Samachara Bharati, Ayush ji, secretary of Samachara Bharati and scores of journalists were present.