Bhubaneswar. The Govt. of Odisha has sanctioned Rs.78,77,000/- (Rupees seventy-eight lakhs & seventy-seven thousand) only to Missionary of Charity on 4th Jan.2022. This has created havoc among the intellectuals. VHP condemns this attitude of the Govt. All India General Secretary of VHP Milind Parande spoke in a press conference today at Bhubaneswar.
It is alleged that Missionary of Charity has many doubtful activities which is against Hindutva. The State Govt. is quite bounteous to gratify 3% of Christians of Odisha population against 96% of Hindu population.
The CM Relief Fund is meant for grans to individuals in life threating diseases like Cancer and heart patients etc. and to be spend on natural calamities like flood, famine, cyclone etc. No-where any charitable organization is given such grants. There are innumerable charitable organisations running orphanage, old age home, widow home, leprosy home run by Hindu organisations but the Govt. has never cared to run them from relief grants. The Govt. withdraw the financial support from many Hindu institutions and behave like foster father to the Christian Missionary.
Sources says, the murder of Swami Laxmananana was engineered by Christian Missionary and the Govt. of Odisha is failed to find out the culprit after lapse of more than a decade. It appears they have no sincerity in finding out the brutal murder of a Hindu Sadhu.
This has created dissatisfactions among Hindus and through this, it is appealed that the intellectuals and conscious citizens to come forward to condemn this type of attitude of Govt.
In this press meet VHP kshetriya Sangathan mantri Sapan Mukherjee, state President Prof. Prafulla Mishra, Prant Sangathan mantri Anand kumar pandey, State Secretary Pandit Mahesh Kumar Sahoo and state Joint Secretary Umasankar acharya and many other members of VHP Odisha were present.
Courtesy : VSK BHARATH