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Indian Polity


-Nanda Kumar 

Some Intellectuals believe that India got Freedom from Colonists, this is NOT true.Therefore, it is important & duty of a every citizen to remember our History, especially the current generation.People who are born after 1947, have not gone through the hardships which our Freedom Fighters have gone through. For that we need to start understanding the true meaning of “Swatantrata”.

In Trikashartra was one the important Shiva characteristic.We can perform our best in Art or bet it in Yoga only when we are Swatantra. Shree Aurobindo’s understanding about Swatantrata was broad, was it Political? Economical?..No

Shree Aurobindo believed that, Awakening of India should be happening in Moral & Spiritual way NOT Mechanical.Swatantra should not be seen by limiting ourself to changing the Government only..Though before 1905, it was the need of the hour. However, Political spiritualization was only a part, ideal way involves Political, Social, Art, Literature, etc.everything into Dharma.

Our Sanatan Dharma is not only our National religion but also the Universal religion where all the religions are accepted.We have to keep fighting for Sanatan Dharma.This spirit gets applied in social, political, art, etc. As Modi Ji, in our recent 75th Independence Day speech mentioned Panch Pran, the second pran clearly was to eradicate the Slavary thinking.

Sarwam Atma Sukham, in this the “Swa” is Sukha. So if we are searching for freedom, it should start from Swa as per Shree Aurobindo.

From 1905 – 1910/11, Shree Aurobindo was politically active.There was Anti agitation of Bengal partition where the motive was divide the people. This was done as a experiment by the British. However, the whole of Bharat reacted to this partition.Subramanium Bhartiya, took darshan of the Lotus Feet of Kali & received prasad of Kalirath. He believed that if Bharat’s left hand is divided, should not happen & it is our duty to fight.Finally, Bharat won because everyone came forward. Bengal’s Victory history, children should be asked to read this history.Here the “Swa” was the main inspiration. Rabindranath Tagore drew Bharat Mata picture. This was a pure spiritual fight against the Britain/England, we got Victory.

More that 336 years we allowed Bharat mata to be divided even after we having the teachings of Shree Auroindo & proper plan. We need to ask ourself:

What happened to “Bande Mataram”?

What happened to “Bharat Mata Mandir”?

What happened to “Temple constructed in every village”?

What happened to ”Netaji”?

In 1926 in the AICC Conference,  we went toward Western validation. In Fact currently Sovereign Russia is the only one Nation who followed their way & did not require any validation from the West.If we want to be like Russia, we have to Live the principal of “Bharat Mata ki Jai” just taking the slogan will not change the things.

It is said that if the Mind becomes vaccum, it is filled with trash.We were not able to give a strong fight because even after Independence we were not completely free.History has to be remembered properly as it is selective. We recently came to know about Alluri Sitaramaya Raju & Belunachya. When we are talking about the Indian Freedom Struggle, we have to know the unknown freedom fighters.Its because of their sacrifice we are enjoying freedom. They were tactfully sidelined.

Bhatiya democracy is different, its spiritual. There is a war of narrative going on & hence I have reservations of when to use  Nationalism & Indian. Because when we add “…ism” at the end of the word nothing cannot be added. But we use Bharatiyata, prakash and gyan is attached to it.

There was a session in Pune where a Guide Book was present & everyone was asked to refer which gives proper perspective of History & Science BUT it also said that Greek theory is the right one.I requested them to also present 5 element theory for comparison as even the uneducated people in Bharat started their day reciting these shlokas. Many other nations looked up to Bharat for spiritual, medical, etc guidance.

Democracy & Ancient History is handled based on West validation is incorrect.Moreover, a great scholar was awarded for this & he also praised the West stating that everything modern that India has is because of them. This is happening because of the lack of ancient history knowledge, it was said by Shree Aurobindo.

”Dharma” is the basic principal of polity. Whatever art, style we follow is nothing but manifestation of Maa Saraswati as per Shree Aurobindo
Current distortion is delaying human spiritual evolution.

1st Dream named United India described by Shree Aurobindo stated that if we have to make Bharat free, we have to be United internally thats the pre-requisite for moving ahead towards Asia. Akhand Bharat has to happen, but if we are not united it is difficult. Division & partition should go. Spiritual awakening should be the priority.