India has one of the largest population spread primarily in the central India and eastern coast from Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra. They dominate North East Region of Bharat and also present in Souther part of Bharat. They have been part our society since time immemorial. We call them Vanvasi, Janajatiya who lived harmoniously and as equals with the people of the towns, cities and villages. They have been exploited after advent of Islamic invaders and British. A wedge has been sought to be created. There are organisations like Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram who have been working since 1952 to help them progress and enjoy better life. However, there are breaking India forces that are using smallest fault lines to create a rift between city dwellers and village dwellers on one side and tribals on the other, using various pretexts. World Indigenous Day is one such tool. Atul Jog lays bare this conspiracy and how VKA is working to counter it.