The Hon. Governor of Maharashtra Sri C.H.Vidyasagar Rao has inaugurated the newly constructed “dyanamandir” at Shivaji Spoorthi Kendra complex in Srishailam, Andhra Pradesh on Sunday, 1 April, 2018.
While speaking on this occasion, Governor Sri Vidyasagar, said that Shivaji’s war strategy should be adopted to curb terrorism in the world. Hindutva is not communal according to the Supreme court judgment. Hindhuthva is a way of life.
Honorable governor added that ‘bhagawdwaj’, the ancient flag of Hindu society, represents the Bharatiya culture. The rulers should take Shivaji as an example to give good administration. Shivaji’s fighting spirit was a source of freedom movement for Bharath.
R.S.S. Zonal Pracharak, Sri A.Shyam Kumar while addressing the gathering narrated how Shivaji trained ordinary people to be brave soldiers who fought with mighty Moghuls. Shivaji’s gorilla warfare was a source of inspiration for Vietnamese in fighting against America. The Portuguese archives in Lisbon reflected Chatripathi Shivaji’s warfare and able administration.
In 1974 AD, Shivaji Memorial Committee was formed to construct Sabha Mandap and dhanyamandir to mark the occasion of Shivaji’s tri centenary coronation as ‘Chatrapathi’. Later in 1994 the Sabha Mandap and Shivaji Spurthi Kendra complex was inaugurated by then RSS Sarsanghachalak PP Sri Rajendra Singh Ji.
Shivaji visited Srishailam in 1677 AD and offered prayers to Lord Mallikarjuna and Godess Bramaramba Devi. He wants to sacrifice himself at the feet of Bramaramba Devi. The Godess blessed him with “Bhavani Kadga” (Sword) and inspired him to fight with against foreign rulers.
As gratitude, Shivaji himself constructed a ‘dhanyamandir’ at few yards away from the “dakshina gopuram” of the Mallikarjuna Swamy Temple.
Sri T.G.Venkatesh, Rajyasabha member and President of Shivaji memorial committee presided over the function. Sri P.Manikyala Rao Ex-A.P.Minister, Dr Patil, Sri P. Subba Reddy, working president of “Shivaji Spoorthi Kendra” also spoke on the occasion.