Home English Articles Shri RamJanma Bhoomi Agitation: An expression of self-identity

Shri RamJanma Bhoomi Agitation: An expression of self-identity


Shri RamJanma Bhoomi Agitation is not a mere Hindu-Muslim conflict or a Temple-Mosque conflict, It is a conflict of National vs Anti national. A Rashtra is not a just a piece of land but an epitome of oneness of society inhabited on that land. These sentiments are derived out of that land’s culture, history and values.

Shri Ram is not just another character in the history but an idol of our cherished culture and values. He is an immortal living legend. He is the origin of our immortal culture which goes back in date thousands of years. There is a fascinating association, knowledge and faith among all caste, creeds, sexes, languages and regions about Shri Ram. Shri Ram symbolizes national unity. He is the spirit of our Rashtra.

Even architects of our constitution found it prudent to put the picture of Shri Ram, Mata Sita and Shri Laxman on board of Pushpak in the first draft of our constitution. Constituent assembly was manned by luminaries from diverse religions, yet there were no concerns on the depiction of this picture. The same draft also portrayed the images of Shri Krishna, Bhagwan Buddha and Bhagwan Mahavir. All of them are eternal souls of our land. Hence it is our constitutional obligation to protect the birth place of Shri Ram.

Statements by Dr. Rammanohar Lohiya

We all know Dr. Rammanohar Lohiya, a well-known proponent of socialist philosophy. He also stated that:

Rama, Krishna and Shiva are our idols. Rama integrated north-south whereas Krishna did the same for east-west. Masses view them as their adoring idols. Rama is the essence of austerity, Krishna is key to ungrudging life and Shiva is the epitome of uninhibited persona. Oh my motherland, bless me the wisdom of Shiva, heart of Krishna and the integrity of Rama.

It is our national duty to guard the birth places of all such revered idols. It is inevitable for the unity and integrity of our nation.

Reconstruction of Somnath Temple

Shri RamJanma Bhoomi Agitation is a matter of national pride and self-respect. To wipe out the bruises of insult is courage. That is why this agitation. A sense of self-respect imparts the nation the strength to stand on its feet and ability to resolve its problems. Post-independence, such movements have been exceptions only. One such exception was reconstruction of Somnath temple. Since 1026, this temple has been ravaged 21 times but it was reconstructed again and again. At last, Aurangzeb ordered to replace this temple by a mosque in 1706. After gaining independence, to regain our lost glory, the then home minister Sardar VallabhBhai Patel professed to reconstruct Somnath temple again. Mahatma Gandhi endorsed the idea. Pandit Nehru’s cabinet, which even included Maulana Azad, too gave its approval. Parliament also nodded for the same.

His Excellency, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, was the then president of India. On 11th May 1951, he established Shivlinga in Somnath temple. He did so irrespective of the objection by some secularists. He was absolutely convinced that this is a matter of self-respect and self-identity rather than anything else. In Somnath, he stated that Somnath is a sacred place for all Indians. Even if a place of faith is ruined, faith itself is infallible. Reconstruction of Somnath temple is a long held dream coming true. No amount of words are sufficient to express the joy of this dream coming true.

On 25th December 1947, Gandhi Ji made an important statement in Delhi’s Birla House. One Urdu newspaper claimed that if Somnath happens so will Gajani’s reappearance. Gandhi Ji responded by saying that Gajani’s behaviour was highly uncivilized. It is very unfortunate if Indian Muslims take pride in Gajani. Muslims should concede maleficence under Islamic rule. It will not be acceptable if Muslims speak the language of Gajani again.

Our sentiments in the context of Shri Ram JanamBhoomi are same as sentiments expressed by Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Mahatma Gandhi and Sardr VallabhBhai Patel in the context Somnath temple.

Erasing the bruises of slavery

After gaining independence in 1947, all the idols of Queen Victoria and King George V were removed from all the parks and squares. Roads were renamed. Delhi’s Irwin hospital was renamed as Jaiprakash Narayan Hospital. Minto Bridge is now called Shivaji Bridge. Mumbai’s Vincent road became Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Road. Victoria Terminus Railway station is now called Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus. Because old nomenclature was the signature of our past slavery, they were done away with it. In the same way Babri Masjid is the signature of an insult bestowed upon us which can only be done away by erecting a Ram Temple at the same place.

Church of Poland

Half of Europe was under Islamic dominance for a long time. Islamic aggressors demolished many churches and erected mosques at the same place. Once the same European land gained independence, they took no time to demolish those mosques and re-erect churches. This was the way to get rid of all the manifestation of past humiliation. Poland was won over by Russia in 1815. As a mark of glory, Russia established a big church on a major square in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. Poland gained independence in 1918 after First World War. Again polish government replaced Russian made church with one of their own. Both Russia and Poland have Christianity as a vernacular religion, yet Russia chose to demolish a polish church, why? Self-respecting polish government responded by saying that Russian made church was signature of their triumph over Poland. Re-erecting a polish church was retaining the lost glory. This is called national pride. Taking cue from the very same sentiments, Kashi, Mathura and Ayodhya too must be liberated from past wounds.

Dream of Shivaji

When Aurangzeb destroyed Kashi Vishwanath Temple in 1669 and erected the mosque at the same place, Shivaji wrote a warning letter to Aurangzeb pledging to replenish all the Hindu places of worship including Kashi Vishwanath. Rejuvenation of such fallen places of worship used to be regular topic of discussion in Shivaji’s cabinet. Shivaji himself reconstructed many such temples. When he visited south India, he replenished 2 of today’s big temples in Tamilnadu. These 2 temples were ravaged by Mughals some years back. Even after Shivaji, the consequent Maratha regime continued this mission. Sacred places such as Trimbakeshwar, Sundar Narayan Temple at Nashik and MahaKaleshwar temple at Ujjain, which were demolished by Mughals, got replenished by Marathas.

When Maratha dominance increased in north, process of liberating pious places of worship got accelerated. In 1751 and 1759, Nawab of Awadh was provided help on the precondition of liberation of Ayodhya, Prayag and Kashi. There was a consistent Maratha pressure for the same. Unfortunately, before they could be liberated, Marathas got defeated in the battle of Panipat in 1761.

Muslims of India, Please be aware

How are we related to Babar? He was an unruly and barbaric aggressor. He was from Middle East Asia. He first conquered Afghanistan and then came to India. Babar was cremated in Afghanistan. In 1969, one delegation from India visited Afghanistan. Dr. VedPratap Vedic, an erudite in Afghanistan Policy and a philosopher, was part of this delegation. This delegation went on to visit the cemetery of Babar. Cemetery was rather in very bad shape. Indian delegation asked Afghan authorities reason for this bad state of cemetery. Afghan leader answered that what relation we have with Babar? He was an aggressor for us. He enslaved us. Because he was Muslim, we did not do any harm to his cemetery. But the day it would fall, we all Afghans would be very happy. This leader was nobody else but the then Afghan Prime Minister Shri. Babrak Karmal. These sentiments should be understood by Indian Muslims.

90% of Indonesian population is Muslim. It is a declared Islamic nation. Yet their most revered idol is Ram. Study of Ramayan is mandatory in their primary education. Then why not in India? Indonesia was a Hindu-Baudh dominated nation 700 years back. But still they are holding on to their values.

Iran is an Islamic nation, yet Rustam Sohrab is their national idol. Rustam Sohrab was a Parasi who existed 3000 years back. He was not a Muslim. Pyramid is national idol in Egypt. Pyramids date back to 3500 years when Islam did not exist. Shri Ram also existed thousands of years back when Islam was nowhere on the horizon. Indian Muslims were Hindus only 200-400-800 years back. Then why Indian Muslims have hesitation in adopting Shri Ram as their Idol and inspiration?

Many issues will be resolved if Indian Muslims draw their wisdom from Muslims of Iran and Egypt. India will retain its lost glory. India will be united never before.

National vs. Anti-National

Shri Ram is our Identity. He is the signature of our nationality. Babar, the aggressor, was our enemy. For Babar, Guru Nanak DevJi once said, only a procession of sinners can concede to Babar’s rule. Adulating Babar, the one who demolished temples, is anti-national. Are we worshippers of Ram or the inheritors of Babar? Everyone needs to ask this question to oneself.

Construction of Ram temple is a matter of nationalism. There can be no compromise on the same.

Courtesy: VSK Tamilnadu