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Tag: Hindus

Monumental Betrayal of Bengal, Its Values

The State faces an existential and identity crisis, with the growth of jihadism and rabid Islamist lumpens aided and supported by the party in...

Report/West Bengal : Jehadi Frenzy, Yet Again

The plight of Hindus in West Bengal continues to be grave. As Jehadis enjoy the  patronage of Mamata, will ‘seculars’ of Bharat ever speak...

How Media’s Silence On Banerjee’s Appeasement Politics Is Undermining Its Credibility

The mainstream media’s deafening silence on recent communal incidents has led to a steady erosion of its credibility. Islamist hardliners in Bengal who...

బంగ్లాలో అరాచకం హిందువులపై ఆగని దాడులు

బంగ్లాదేశ్‌లో హిందువుల ఆలయాలు, ఆస్తిపాస్తుల మీద వరస వెంబడి దాడులు చోటు చేసుకోవడం ఆందోళన కలిగిస్తోంది. హిందూ సంఖ్యాధిక్యత కలిగిన భారత్‌ మద్దతుతోనే నాలుగున్నర దశాబ్దాల క్రితం పశ్చిమ పాకిస్థాన్‌ చెర వదిలించుకొని,...

`Pretty’ Minority Girls Taken As Slaves In Pakistan

The girl called Jeevti was just 14 when she taken from her family in the night to be married off to a man who...

Mamata Govt Mum On Communal Attacks At Dhulagarh In Howrah

In a barefaced encore of Muhammad Bazar riots where the police looked the other way when members of one community attacked the other Mamata...

First time, Church Says: Dalit Christians Face Untouchability

Policy document breaks silence, underlines prejudice within, warns of ‘stringent measures’ in cases of caste bias. FOR THE first time in its history, the Indian...

India Needs A Concrete Refugee Policy: Patriotic People’s Front Assam (PPFA)

India should have the refugee policy ‘to deal with the issue of immigrants logically and legally’ forever While Assam in North-East India is boiling against...

Pro-Hindu Organisations Held Massive Hunger Protests Across Tamilnadu

Hindu Ottrumai Iyakkam (United Hindu Forum) held a massive ‘Hunger Protest’ on 22nd November, 2016 from 10 am to 5 pm and raised several...

Hindus May Not Be Found In Bangladesh After 30 years

From 1964 to 2013 one crore 13 lakh Hindus had been compelled to leave their beloved motherland, which means, on an average 230, 612...

‘ఉమ్మడి’పై ఉలికిపాటేలా?

అది రాజ్యాంగ నిర్దేశమే... దేశంలో ఉమ్మడి పౌరస్మృతి తీసుకురావాలని రాజ్యాంగంలోని 44వ అధికరణ నిర్దేశిస్తోంది. దాన్ని శిరసా వహిస్తూ ఉమ్మడి పౌరస్మృతిపై లా కమిషన్‌ ప్రజాభిప్రాయ సేకరణకు పూనుకొంది. మతాలకు అతీతంగా దానిమీద స్పందన...

Mullahs Cannot Have Veto Power

Polygamy is not exclusive to Muslims, yet whenever polygamy is questioned, the Muslim clergy presumes that it is a campaign against adherents of Islam....

Radical Islamists Attack Hindu Temples, Houses In Bangladesh

Attacks by fanatic and fundamentalist Islamists against the Hindus, their temples, and properties in Bangladesh are going on unchecked with the recent incident at...

15 Hindu Temples in Bangladesh Vandalised

At least 15 Hindu temples in Bangladesh have been vandalized over allegations of disrespect shown to Islam on Facebook, triggering panic among the minority...