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Tag: Hindutva

Technology cannot replace Personal Contact : Veteran Sangh Pracharak Shri Dhanprakash...

Veteran Sangh Pracharak Shri Dhanprakash is believed to be the oldest Pracharak in the RSS today. After becoming a swayamsevak in 1942 in Delhi...

Ageless Unity: The Oneness in Hindu Culture

The identity of India is not devoid of the identities of Hindu, Muslim, Christian and the rest. It is the integrating principle of cultural...

‘A Swayamsevak is the one who brings a Transformation in the...

“Hindutva is our national identity (Asmita). A Hindu is the one who loves and cares for everyone in the society thinking above caste, gender...

Exclusive Interview of Shri Mohan Bhagwat ji: ‘Social Equality is a...

RSS Sarsanghachalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat with his call for ‘One Temple, One Cremation Ground and One Water-body’ for all in a non-discriminatory way has...

India’s development path goes through dharma: Mohan Bhagwat

Citing the Narendra Modi government’s slogan Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas (all together, development for all), RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said here on Sunday that...

VHP demands law to construct Ram temple in Ayodhya

Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Pravin Togadia on Sunday asked the Centre to tread the path of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and enact a law to...

The Hindu renaissance

Uttar Pradesh elections shocked many and surprised most. While the post-mortem may persist there is need to see more objectively what really went behind...

‘Fatwa Raj’ under TMC in West Bengal

The court of law seems to be the last hope for the Hindus in 10 districts of West Bengal, as they are compelled to...

RSS Strongly Condemns Telangana Govt’s Muslims Reservation Policy

The Telangana government is duping the Muslim community by assuring them to offer 9% reservations, which is against the constitution. The honourable Supreme Court...

Of swayamsevaks and intellectuals

RSS has done exemplary social work. It’s now time for it to decolonise the Indian mind At the three-day meeting of the All India Pratinidhi...

CJI’s Offer to Mediate On Ram Temple Faces A Wall: Dishonest...

The true enemy of congenial Hindu-Muslim relationships is the Left, which does not want a solution that works for both sides. Hindus and Muslims need...

VHP to Start New Ayodhya Temple Movement ‘Ram Mahotsav’ From March...

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), which has been at the forefront of the Ram Temple movement since it began, has decided to re-launch the...

అయోధ్య రామమందిర మధ్యవర్తిత్వం

అయోధ్య రామజన్మభూమి దేవాలయ వివాదాన్ని మధ్యవర్తిత్వం ద్వారా పరిష్కరించుకోవాలని సర్వోన్నత న్యాయస్థానం వారు సలహా ఇవ్వడం ఆలస్యంగానైనా సంభవించిన శుభ పరిణామం. ఈ వి వాదం దాదాపు ఏడేళ్లుగా సర్వోన్నత న్యాయస్థానం పరిశీలనలో...

ఇస్లాం తీవ్రవాదం.. విశ్వానికే ప్రమాదం

ఉగ్రవాదం మూలాలపైన, దేశంలో మతపరమైన చీలికపైన చర్చకు అంతే లేదనిపిస్తోంది. ‘ఐసిస్’తో సం బంధాలున్న కొంతమంది యువకులను ఇటీవల తెలంగాణ, మధ్యప్రదేశ్, ఉత్తరప్రదేశ్ పోలీసులు అత్యద్భుత సమన్వయంతో అరెస్టు చేయడాన్ని- ‘మైనారిటీలకు అపరాధ...

SC suggests fresh attempts to resolve Ayodhya dispute

The Supreme Court today said fresh attempts must be made by all parties concerned to find a solution to the Ayodhya temple dispute which...