After the murder of any person, the first reaction of the near ones is to mourn and express grief over the sad demise. But whenever a person of the Leftist liberal clan is murdered, the very first reaction of the Red sect is to celebrate the mourning by cheaply abusing its political opponents and making them virtual culprits. Milking over the dead has always been a strategy of the Maowadi Leftists. In the barbaric killing of Gauri Lankesh, her comrades are enjoying the moments by thrashing the Nationalist, Hindutva organizations in a very cheap, abusive and indecent manner. Commies are not mourning, they celebrating the brutal #GauriLankeshMurder.
Gauri Lankesh, 55, was shot dead at point-blank range at her home last evening. Lankesh was editor of ‘Lankesh Patrike’, a Kannada weekly. Not a big name in journalism but a big critic of Hindutva forces, a big sympathizer of Maoist ideology driven bloody acts and a self-proclaimed mother of the ‘Bharat ki Barbadi’ gangsters Kanhaiyya Kumar and Umar Khalid.
As per the Media reports, some neighbours claimed to have seen two men moving up and down several times on a motorcycle on the quiet street in the Ideal Homes colony in Rajarajeshwari Nagar through the day. “The incident happened at exactly 8 pm and four bullets were fired in her chest,’’ a police inspector said. “The shots were fired from a very close range inside the compound of the house. She had been living alone in recent days after her elderly mother moved to her sister’s house,’’ said Shivasundar, a longtime journalist colleague of Gauri Lankesh.
Lankesh was given a state honour Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, Home Minister Ramalinga Reddy and a host of other leaders were present at the burial ground to pay their last respects to Gauri Lankesh.Siddaramaiah has called the murder an “assassination on democracy”. Surprisingly no word of dissent has been uttered against the Karnataka government. The Commies are regular practitioners of blaming the State government and demand CM’s resignation. But this time it was the Congress govt; so the routine was not followed.
Interesting are the tweets of Gauri Lankesh posted at 3 am on the same day of her gruesome murder at 8 pm. The tweets clearly demonstrate the divide amongst the Red fractions.
Lankesh says: “why do I feel that some of `us’ are fighting between ourselves? we all know our “biggest enemy”. can we all please concentrate on that?”
In another tweet, she literarily exposes the fakeness of the leftist creed. She tweets: Ok some of us commit mistakes like sharing fake posts. let us warn each other then. and not try to expose each other. peace… comrades.
Ok some of us commit mistakes like sharing fake posts. let us warn each other then. and not try to expose each other. peace… comrades
— Gauri Lankesh (@gaurilankesh) September 4, 2017
Remember Rohit Vemula, the PhD student portrayed as a Dalit after his unfortunate suicide, the same death which left his poor family into mourning, the same grief which was used to vilify the Nationalist forces and the Narendra Modi led NDA govt at Centre as a Propaganda tool, the same Propaganda tool which is used after the murders of Maharashtra socialite activists Dr Dabholkar, G B Pansare and M M Kalburgi and now the same pattern is repeated when Gauri Lankesh is murdered by unknown assailants, now alleged as Maoist goons.
The exponents of “Lankesh killed by Right wing” logic are systematically shying from discussing the tweets of GL. Similar strategy was adopted in Rohith Vemula suicide case when Vemula 27, committed suicide on January 17, 2016, in a hostel room in Hyderabad Central University where he was a PhD student after he and four others were suspended from the hostel last year and restrictions were put on their movement by the university administration as part of disciplinary action. In his suicide letter, Vemula had expressed apology towards the ‘ASA family’ saying sorry for disappointing them. Lankesh tweets express the same uneasiness amongst the Leftist liberals aligned to Maoists.
Notably, Indrajeet Lankesh, Gauri’s Brother is asking for a CBI enquiry in Gauri murder case as he has lost faith in Karnataka’s Home Ministry and asks Rahul Gandhi to tell about the killers if he knows about them. Meanwhile, the Congress has predictably blamed the RSS ideology, accusing it of trying to crush the voice of “dissent”. Bengaluru Police, meanwhile, have secured the CCTV footage from Lankesh’s residence which now holds the key to the killers’ identity.
Here on political grounds, death Politics expert, Aam Adami Party is terming the murder of Gauri Lankesh as a murder of The “Very Idea of India”. A supporter of Islamic terror Rana Ayyub finds “Godse in every street” and tweets: There is Godse in every street of this Country; She received a threat from every possible right wing group. Ashamed yet India?”
Rana Ayyub spells that Lankesh was receiving a threat from ‘every possible right wing” is a statement that can lead Police to the murderers. Karnataka Police must immediately take Ayyub in custody for clarification on this mindless allegation.
The Sardesai-Ghose hubby wife who are made themselves the national reality show for blatant allegations- just can’t believe….! The Lady Sardesai lauds Lankesh as a “fearless voice against Hindutva politics’ and Lord Sardesai is disturbed by the murder of ‘critic of Hindutva politics’!
The Digvijay Singhs and Javed Akhtars recall “Dhabolkar, Pansare, Kalburgi and now Lankesh, and asks, One Kind of people are getting killed; which kind of people killing… etc.
Maoist Kavita Krishnan gives ‘proof’ of how ‘Right wing deaths threats continue’ and says the “list of targets keeps growing. Yesterday #GauriGunnedDown tomorrow you…. the Maoist’s proof is a Facebook page.
Another champion of anti-India politics and terrorist friend Prashant Bhushan is vomiting venom against RSS BJP by saying that “Lankesh who exposed the BJP has been shot dead in her home in Bangalore!”.
One Sidharth Bhatiya whistles that – A time for all journalists to be even stronger, defiant and fearless. Getting cowed down by the forces of hate and bigotry would be cowardly. Interestingly the routine of abusing of state government has changed this time. As per Maoists and Left Liberals, the Congress govt can’t be a Killer like a BJP govt. That’s why the Bhatiya guy provokes the Congress and Left parties to be out on the streets protesting against the cold blooded murder of Gauri Lankesh. In this one line, the Congress is out of suspicion and CM Siddaramaiah becomes one of the protesters. And the Hindutva, the Right Wingers, The BJP, The RSS all become the Killers of Dabholkar, Pansare, Kalburgi and now Lankesh. This time Rohit Vemula has been abandoned by the Left Liberals from their agenda as the HC has announced that Vemula was no Dalit, so his suicide is of no use anymore for the Communist cause.
The Left Liberals, AAPwadi clan is expressing its anguish and mourning the murder of Lankesh in most sophisticated manner.
Let kill all RSS Bramhins from Nagpur all situation will under control #GauriLankesh
— Jaykumar (@Jaykumarn) September 5, 2017
See one Jaykumar says on twitter: ‘Let Kill all RSS Brahmins from Nagpur, all situations will under control.’ See the peaceful message who hates ‘Brahmins’ and uses LankeshMurder to propagate his bloody thoughts: “India will never tolerate Bramhinical Ideology anymore. I request all Indian to kill Brahmanical ideology kill BJP in 2019”… to Kill .. huh!
One ‘Comrade Nambiar’ suggests “other parties to learn the tactics from CPM in Kerala…”. What are the tactics? To brutally kill their political opponents, the RSS BJP activists!
He further tweets that if Lankesh was armed, the BJP would have slapped so many charges on her etc. …
We can find such false narratives and dastard attack on the BJP, RSS and entire saffron ideology is not new to the nation. In fact, the murders or the suicides of someone from their own herd has been used with like a pre planned campaign to vilify the Nationalist organizations.
The logic behind any crime or any murder asks for the purpose of the incident and who is going to gain from the incident. The Crime detectors prepare their first suspicion list with the relatives and near ones of the slain person who are the immediate beneficiaries of the incident.
Let’s think practically. If as per the Left Liberals ranting of allegations against “Hindutva/ Right wing” is behind the killing of Dabholkar, Pansare, Kalburgi, and now Lankesh plus suicide of Vemula, then who are real beneficiaries? Are RSS BJP and Hindutva forces going to benefit? Definitely not! In fact, all the deaths are used with immediate and planned social media campaigns with connatural use of words and narratives against the RSS, Modi, BJP and so called Right Wing. The so called Right Wing is haunting the anti-national forces, Leftists, Liberals, Azadi gang, ‘Bharat ke Tukaday honge’ gang, Maowadi sympathizers and Right-Maoists like Aam Adami Party and the Great Indian National Congress which is giving patronage to all of them over years. The speed of the Liberal propaganda is stunningly suspicious. Before the FIR is registered in any Murder or death of their Comrades, the above-mentioned gang with their leading lutyen ladies and gentlemen bombards the social media with hashtags and rhetorics which instantly criminalise the Hindutva organizations. See #GauriLankeshMurder
Who gains from this crass criminalization campaigns against Nationalist forces after the death of any left liberal Hindutva hater? (.. ooh ‘Critic’ is the better elegant word)
Definitely, the organised ranting of Left liberals has a systematic pattern. The pattern is One of their clan will be murdered at point blank range. Dabholkar, Pansare and Kalburgi, all are murdered at point blank range. In the murder of all three, the killers were two and on a motorbike. All murders happened in Congress Raaj, but no voice rose against Congress party nor was the resignation of the Chief Minister demanded. The blame game against the state government started immediately after the BJP came to power.
So who gained?
Definitely not the RSS BJP or so called Right Wing. The winners are Commies, left liberals, Azadi gang, ‘Bharat ke Tukaday honge’ gang, Maowadi sympathizers and Right-Maoists like Aam Adami Party.
The egregious ranting of murder allegations by the left liberals against their ideological opponents is actually an insane and inhuman act of using the death for political gain. For that, someone who is critical and vocal against the political opponents has to be made ‘Shaheed’.
After Dabholkar, Pansare and Kalburgi now Gauri Lankesh, who was vocal and loud critic of nationalist organizations might have been made a Shaheed by her own comrades for whom murder is just a game of politics. That’s why; Gauri’s brother Indrajeet Lankesh is asking for a CBI inquiry and instead of expressing their grief in a calmly and emotional manner, the whole commie clan is busy in clamorous ranting against the so called Right wing!
This mourning of #GauriLankeshMurder which is actually has turned into a celebration ritual to bash the Nationalist organisations for Commies is evident of two things. Hindutva organisations have definitely nothing to do with Gauri’s murder as she was negatively vocal about them since ages, which makes no difference and the mystery of tweets of Gauri Lankesh highlighting the duplicity and phoney side of the ‘Comrades’ before her murder, though smartly sidelined by them, definitely points towards her own ideological comrades, those who are illustrious of betrayal of their own.
By Milind Arolkar
Courtesy: NewsBharati