The fact about the Vedic Saraswati river which was challenged by the Liberals and Leftists to defy the Hindu belief of thousands of years that River Saraswati which is referred with the Ganga and Yamuna in Vedic hymns, is soon to flow from the soil of Haryana. From the first day of its assuming power, the Haryana government is working in a mission mode for the revival and rejuvenation of Saraswati river. Recently Haryana Minister Kavita Jain told that the mythical river as a national heritage of India.
The Art and Cultural Affairs minister made the remarks after the Haryana Sarasvati Heritage Development Board and the state’s irrigation and water resources department signed two MoUs to investigate the palaeo-channel and study hydrological and geomorphological aspects relating to the river.
“The state government has now roped in agencies like the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), National Institute of Hydrology and Geological Survey of India (NIH) to speed up work in this direction,” Jain said. She exhorted the agencies to take up the MoUs as a mission so as to realise the vision of the state government to give recognition to Saraswati river at international level. It was a matter of pride that Adi Badri in Haryana is the origin point of the river, she said, adding that our Vedas were also written at the river bank.
Jain expressed her gratitude to Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar for showing interest and enthusiasm in the revival and rejuvenation of Saraswati river and also for setting up the Haryana Sarasvati Heritage Development Board. Earlier, speaking on the occasion, Deputy Chairman of the HSHDB Prashant Bhardwaj said that the ISRO has prepared GIS database of Saraswati palaeo-channel.
New birth of Mystic Vedic Saraswati will change the waterscape of Haryana
The water balance study of Saraswati river catchment would be done using hydro-geological modelling and geospatial techniques. This would be carried out in four phases from the year 2018 to 2020, an official release said.
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has prepared an integrated palaeochannel map of River Saraswati from the origin in the Himalayas to Rann of Kutch. In 2013, ISRO has studied the palaeochannels in North West India and related them to the channels of River Saraswati. ISRO prepared an integrated palaeochannel map of River Saraswati from the origin in the Himalayas to Rann of Kutchch. The origin of the mapped course of the River Saraswati palaeochannel in North West India was linked to Himalayan perennial source through Sutlej and Yamuna Rivers.
The work on the delineation of the entire course of river ‘Saraswati’ in North West India was carried out using Indian Remote Sensing Satellite data along with digital elevation model. Satellite images are multi-spectral, multi-temporal and have advantages of synoptic view, which are used to detect palaeochannels. The palaeochannels are validated using historical maps, archaeological sites, hydro-geological and drilling data. It was observed that major Harappan sites of Kalibangan (Rajasthan), Banawali and Rakhigarhi (Haryana), Dholavira and Lothal (Gujarat) lie along the River Saraswati.
Based on the studies of a 60-metre long sediment core from the central part of Rann of Kutch’, the geologists have established that the shallow marine gulf that previously occupied the Rann of Kutch formed the final resting place of the large volume of sediments derived from the Himalaya and transported by the Saraswati river. The study carried out by professor L S Chamyal and professor D M Maurya under a project funded by the Department of Science and Technology suggests that the river flowed for nearly 7,000 years. Using geochemical proxies (strontium and neodymium isotopes), MSU researchers have validated the existence of the river 10,000 years before present.
Tracing the Vedic Saraswati River in the Great Rann of Kachchh
The findings have been reported in Scientific Reports, a globally acclaimed high impact journal which published the scientific paper on July 14 which says: The lost Saraswati River mentioned in the ancient Indian tradition is postulated to have flown independently of the Indus River into the Arabian Sea, perhaps along courses of now-defunct rivers such as Ghaggar, Hakra and Nara. The persistence of such a river during the Harappan Bronze Age and the Iron Age Vedic period is strongly debated. We drilled in the Great Rann of Kachchh (Kutch), an infilled gulf of the Arabian Sea, which must have received input from the Saraswati, if active.
Satellite images, supported by a four-year drilling exercise, which was guided by ancient literature, have established that the river Saraswati is not a myth. It was a huge river that died a premature death about 5,000 years ago and is now buried 60 metres below the ground.
Now Govt to trace origin of mighty Vedic Saraswati river
The Rigveda, for example, mentions a mighty river that originates in the Himalaya and flows south-westwards. The Mahabharata speaks of a river that disappeared underground near the present-day town of Sirsa in Haryana. Besides, the geographical history of the now arid western Rajasthan points to the fact that the region used to be green and did not lack water resources. Barely 10,000 years ago, the whole region was host to a big river system, which attracted civilisations like the Mohenjodaro and Harappa.
Besides this, the ancient texts tell us a story or a logic of the disappearance of the Mystical River. The storytellers tell: The beautiful goddess Saraswati sprung from the forehead of her father Brahma, the god of creation. It is said that as soon as Brahma looked at her beauty, he was filled with desire for her. Unhappy with the amorous attentions he bestowed upon her, she tried to dodge and hide. This is why the river Saraswati flows underground. And the brief appearance she made aboveground is the moment, legends assert, that she stopped to rest from her tiring run.
Now, today, the revival of river Saraswati would make a major transformation in the region of Haryana and Rajasthan and it will help the water scarcity of the region, also, it will be a big slap on the cheek of the India hater Commies and Libtards.
Courtesy: NewsBharati