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Where Communists Meet Islamists


Can the Communists say that in achieving their valuable end they have not destroyed other valuable ends? They have destroyed private property. Assuming that this is a valuable end can the Communists say that they have not destroyed other valuable end in the process of achieving it? How many people have they killed for achieving their end? Has human life no value? Could they not have taken property without taking the life of the owner?

—Dr Babasaheb B R Ambedkar, Buddha or Karl Marx

The cauldrons of high political drama involving the Gujarat unit of  the Congress and the security forces striking against terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir are obviously finding headlines in media. Amidst these desperate attempts by anti-Bharat forces to save their shrinking spaces, important events, involving one of the highly educated States and always claimed as the ‘Model of Development’ by eminent economists, are missed out. On the one hand, in Kerala another Karyakarta of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) who belonged to a Scheduled Caste category (SC), was brutally killed by  the Communist cadres near Thiruvananthapuram. On the other hand, Shajahan Velluvakkandi, a native of Kannur, who was recently arrested by the Delhi Police for his suspected IS links revealed the plan of targeting the RSS-BJP leaders in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Both entirely separate looking incidences have a strong link as they emanate from the same Kannur region of Kerala and have RSS inspired people on radar.

Kerala has a strong spiritual and a dharmic tradition. From Shankaracharya to Narayan Guru many scholars have enriched the Bharatiya integral thinking and practices. Unfortunately, under the garb of Communism a new inhuman alliance has emerged in this ‘God’s Own State’.

The ‘Party’, it means only Communist Party of India (Marxist) in Kerala, manipulated and monopolised not only polity but all spheres of life through violence and astute combination of muscle and money power. It has always been supported by intellectual camouflage of ‘progressive’ thinking.

Nobody asks a simple question that why there is a perpetual culture of political violence under the Communist rule. Why there are pockets of ‘party villages’ where no other political party can dare to campaign or appoint a polling agent; no question of someone daring to vote for any other political outfit other than CPI (M).  What kind of democracy is this where basic human right, ‘Right to Life’, is consistently being denied to anybody, be it a member of CPI, Congress, Muslim League or BJP, whoever dare to stand against the Communist tyranny. This is one place where even the police machinery is grappling with unionism and postings and promotions based on political favouritism and affiliation.  We often find research on mass migration from states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar but when it comes to Kerala the lack of employment despite high education, directly resulting from Communist terror and unionism, is hardly discussed.

Now this ideology of Red terror, about which Dr Ambedkar had warned time and again, has met with another dangerous ideology of Islamism, the other threat Babasaheb had cautioned about. According to official numbers, maximum number (21) of youth arrested with ISIS links are from Kerala. Most of them come from the strong bastion of the Communists, the North Kerala. Both believe in violence as a political means and have the common target in the form of RSS. In the process, the Hindu youth are getting killed in the name of democratic struggle.

The activists and intellectuals who are happy discussing ‘lynching’ do not utter a single word on these gross violation of democratic and human rights, as they kept a tactical mum when the Hindus were thrown out from the ‘Kashmir’ Valley. Political parties, which are ready to defend corruption in the name of secularism, will obviously find it convenient to stand by ‘murder politics’ against communal people. In the age of social media and changing political dynamics, this situation cannot be put under the carpet for a long time. This deadly alliance of intolerant ideologies has potential to convert Kerala into a ‘hell’. Therefore, there is an urgent need to expose the destructionist design not just to save Kerala but also Bharat and Bharatiyata.

By Prafulla Ketkar

Courtesy: Organiser