To understand the vision of Akhand Bharat and its interpretation, every citizen must know the life and message of Sri Aurobindo, that is Hindu-centric thought and philosophy. His writings were aimed at the wellbeing of all, and his personal exploration and participation in the Indian freedom struggle is an inspiring and awakening chapter that needs to be retold to current and future generations, said Dr Bhaskar Yogi at Auro Avalokan shibiram (Train the Trainers Camp) in Hyderabad.
As part of preparatory work to mark the 150th year celebrations of Sri Aurobindo, the Institute of Human Study, an initiative to spread his vision and solutions to the human problems at all levels, has organized a day-long ‘Auro Avalokan shibiram’ (Train the Trainers Camp) on Oct 2, 2021, with a welcome note from Sri Sowmitri Laxmanacharya.
Dr Chhalmayi Reddy, The Principal of Sri Aurobindo International School, in her key note address spoke on ‘Sanatana Dharma’ and its influence and impact on our lives that gives path and direction for a better world and humanity.
Uninformed younger generation about Bharat and its culture is dangerous and is a challenge that needs to be addressed on a priority said, Sri Srinivas Mulugu, vice-chairman, Sri Aurobindo Society for Telangana state, and appealed to participants to bridge this knowledge gap in society.
Speaking on the topic of ’Prophet of Nationalism’, Prof Kasireddy Venkat Reddy, said Sri Aurobindo’s nationalistic writing, in-depth analysis and commentary on various scriptures and subjects, including Vedas, Gita and Hindu philosophy, ignited the minds of common people, and encouraged them to be active participants in freedom movement. These developments and his demand for complete freedom of India terrified the British colonialists and they declared Sri Aurobindo as one of the most dangerous men challenging their presence in India.
Sri Raka Sudhakar Rao spoke about the relevance of Sri Aurobindo’s thoughts for today. Aurobindo was a proponent of SantanaDharma goading Bharateeyas towards abhyudaya and nishreya. Prosperity for the glory of motherland, nishreyas (connecting to the Divine).
As part of the programme, breakout sessions were held separately for speakers, organizers, social media activists and writers. These sessions were guided by Sri Aekka Chandrashekar, Sri Ayush Nadimpalli, Sr Murali Manohar and Sri BS Sharma.