Home News Kargil Vijay Diwas celebrations across Balagokulams in Hyderabad

Kargil Vijay Diwas celebrations across Balagokulams in Hyderabad


Kargil Vijay Diwas (26th July) was celebrated in interesting ways across some Balagokulams in Hyderabad in the month of July. This is first time organisers have took up Kargil Vijay Diwas celebrations at community level and the response was amazing.

On 23 July 2017, the Kargil Vijay Diwas was celebrated in 4 Balagokulams communities. and 4 more events took place on 26 th July.

Several army personal including Retd. Wing Commander, Ch. Bal Reddyji, Colonol Lokesh Sexena ji,  Krishnamurthyji, army veteran and several other dignitaries participated in these celebrations.

Over 1100 people including children participated in these celebration in Hyderabad. The war stories told by veterans were interesting and filled with national pride.

The guests across these events included Kargil war veteran, retired personnel from Armed forces, senior people in the community and more.

It was also amazing to see that children could connect so well with these great people from armed services background. At one of the places, children were after the Kargil war veteran for around half hour after the event with more questions, for an autograph and a snap.

Balagokulam is a unique initiative to impart value education to children in fun-filled environment with the goal of imparting pride for nation and culture in the young sharp minds who form the fundamental pillar for our and world’s future. A typical Balagokulam session is about 1.5 hours conducted once a week with activities including Yoga, Surya Namaskar, Games, Patriotic Songs, Stories, Art work and so on.

Currently there are 60 centers across the Hyderabad, mostly concentrated on gated communities. About 1500 children attend such sessions in these centers on weekly basis. You may be very pleased to know that all the Balagokulam sessions are conducted absolutely free of charge by dedicated volunteers coming from varied backgrounds including IT professionals, teachers, doctors, journalists and so on.

To know more about Balagokulam activities in Hyderabad, please visit www.balagokulam.net or check this below video

If you would like to volunteer for Balagokulam activities, please drop an email to [email protected]