Murder of vulnerable young child Aisha (name changed to protect child’s identity) in Rassana, Kathua has shaken the conscience of India. Its widespread condemnation can only be compared with Nirbhaya incident. Rape is a blot on any civilized society. India was fortunate so far that in spite of lowest per capita policing, the inherent faith in Dharma and Religion gave people the moorings that kept crimes including rapes low as compared to educated and supposedly advanced western world. But, we are catching up in brutalizing vulnerable sections of the society, crime rates are rising, brutality is increasing and collective conscience has been put to sleep. However, this killing has shaken us to the core for once. Otherwise we only look at cold statistics like 20 girls brutally raped/gang raped in Assam in two months, many more in different parts of the country and move on.
We don’t lack laws, we lack implementation of laws. If strict laws could prevent crimes, there would have been no rapes after new strict law after Nirbhaya case. Police and its insensitivity haven’t changed. Sad fact is that people have faith in law and order of India in a negative sense. Powerful class knows it can manipulate police, weaker sections believe they won’t be caught and all of them feel that justice will anyway take more than a generation and by the time case comes on board, half the witnesses would have disappeared – died or forgotten about the case, apart from usual bribing or threatening of the witnesses that they can indulge in.
It is not that the principal opposition party and all other fragmented opposition parties who have run governments at different points of time are not aware of these serious issues. They are part of the problem and never tried to solve this serious problem with honesty.
Then, why are we seeing sustained, ever expanding protests about Jammu child, Aisha? Why were the children of Assam less precious? Why were rapes in Kerala and Karnataka worthy of some small report with no repercussion? Why was the nation silent on brutal rape of Kashmir Hindu children and women in 1990s? These questions troubled me and I was saddened by perverted sense of secularism, till another news item hit me hard.
When I read a news in Times of India a couple of days back that preened about banners and posters in the name of Aisha on Auto rickshaws in Muslim dominated areas on Autos in Mumbai, it just stuck me how Urban Naxals are using deep reach of Jihadis in vulnerable Muslims communities to spread disaffection. It had never happened in Mumbai or Southern parts of India. I, then, found that even stone pelters in Kashmir valley are using JNU language and JNU type people are guiding the disruptors there.
We are aware of silent axis of Marxist Communist Party (CPM) in Kerala that has winked at people like prime Coimbatore bombing accused Madani (actually CM attended his felicitation), his terror offsprings – banned SIMI (Student Islamic Movement of India) turned PFI (Popular Front of India) and now morphing into a much sought after political entity called SDPI (Social Democratic Party of India). You would have noted the cynical morphing of a professed Islamist entity into high sounding typically Communist/Leftist entity).
We are also aware of silent acceptance, nay encouragement, of Bangladeshi immigrants first by Congress, then by Communists and finally by Trinamool (Mamata) Congress. We know how Congress played with future of Assam through infamous IMDT 1983 (medicine was worse than the disease) by Indira Gandhi, shutting eyes to hordes of illegal immigrants as vote banks from 1950 onwards, tying up with rabid Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants’ godfather, Badruddin Ajmal’s party AIUDF (All India United Democratic Front) to encourage these vote banks. I recall, a press conference by a body innovatively called ‘Bangaldeshi Mohajir Sangh’ in Kolkata Press Club followed by a morcha that had been disallowed by the police but still went on, in February 1991 under benign eyes of Marxist rulers.
We are also aware of long flirtation of Congress with Jinnah minded MIM morphing into AIMIM, and Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah’s closing eyes to PFI goons killing Hindu activists openly in coastal and south Karnataka, and releasing many of them recently.
Ofcourse, we cannot forget gifting away of Jammu and Kashmir by Nehru family to Abdullah family with active and inaction led help of other Congress leaders since 1946. Rohingyas reaching Jammu all the way from Bengal borders in thousands showed that they had full protection in their journey of 2000 kms.
Thus, there were signs of a network of Jihadi Islam across India. RSS has been crying itself hoarse at the cost of being branded ‘Communal’ since decades but nobody listened to ‘fringe communal elements’. In India, it is easy to dismiss any nationalist secular sentiment as ‘communal’ – beginning with Article 370, Uniform Civil Code, a demand for stopping illegal immigration to every issue under the Sun.
There were hints at Communists, Left Liberal class abetting this network and playing footsie with it. But, ‘Justice for Aisha’ campaign reaching dark dingy lanes of Mumbai slums displays on autos; crossing over of the story to international community in worst colours showed that there was more than Urban Naxal and secular media peddling negative narrative.
Nirbhaya and anti-corruption were spontaneous secular movements. Nobody brought in religion till Arvind Kejriwal found that minor, most brutal of the gang, was a minor of ‘Minority’ community. But, turning the whole narrative of Aisha from a brutal inhuman crime against a child into demonising Hindus, Jammu citizens and Hindutva forces showed a clear design behind this game.
What if first two forensic reports never doubted that there was no rape. What if an accused minor was picked up by police within days who admitted to his crime? What if all political party leaders, irrespective of their sworn animosity came together to demand a CBI enquiry? What if no major Hindu organization supported the local protest movement? What if Hindus in hordes left the village one month prior to the story hit us in the face, but no action was taken against brutalisation of an entire village? We, Leftists, shall set a narrative to demonise Hindus and poor citizens living in periphery of Indian state.
Till this stage, one could get upset with supposed progressives shouting themselves hoarse on TV channels with their faces to the west in hope of rewards from the Church and sundry foundations. But, Urban Naxals and their cohorts had smelt a wonderful opportunity to take this disaffection across India while the ruling partner in J&K slept on the job, or was too petrified by adverse press; while nationalist forces felt sad and defensive about this brutal crime and kept silent in front of the bullying media. Left activated its meagre force but strong network to tie up with strong underground network of jihadi forces and spread the hate across India. Breaking India efforts were in full flow.
We all knew that Left-Secular forces will create havoc in line with their predictions that Modi’s advent will result in ‘khoon ki nadiyan’ – rivers of blood. Since it did not happen, they had to create the right atmosphere to let the blood flow, if not physically then mentally. Add to this, four years of fake stories of Church attacks, minorities under threat, and stray killings by deliberately mischievous cow vigilantes. I now doubt whether these cow vigilantes were in fact actually cow protectors or paid goons, because there is hardly any s history of such frequent violence even in BJP ruled states for years. So, what you see now is culmination of Red-Green axis that wishes to take the nation by storm before 2019.
Forget that Communists are supposed to be atheist, anti-God and hate religion and naturally cannot ally with fundamentalist orthodox forces living in 6th Century. To attain their goals Communists have done worse than this. History is witness. Remember, they supported Nazi axis till Communist Russia changed sides and then Indian Communists sided with British in 1942, offering help to British to get Congress leaders arrested in writing. Recall their submission to Cabinet Mission 1946 to break India into 16 sovereign nations, support to Muslim Leagues for partition of India, armed rebellion in Telengana when nation just got independence, support to Sheikh Abdullah etc. etc. etc.
We must remain vigilant and expose this Red-Green axis vicious game and expose it unhesitatingly and boldly, let the nation loving people be called with whatever label Left-Secular-Jihadi class prefers. I see dangerous times ahead. If ruling party believes its leniency towards such saboteurs of democracy will help it tide the crises, it is naively mistaken.
By Ratan Sharda
Courtesy: NewsBharati