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Vivekananda cannot be desecrated by Marxism

May 05- Karl Marx Birth Anniversary Some people still hold that “power” comes only from the barrel of the...

#JNUViolence: Delhi Police files FIR against Aishe Ghosh and 19 others

New Delhi, January 7: Delhi Police has filed an FIR against JNUSU president Aishe Ghosh and 19 others for vandalising server room on...

JNU Professors eye-witness account exposes the violence perpetrated by Left goons...

Several CCTV footage, WhatsApp chat messages and mobile videos have already exposed the violence perpetrated by the Left union on JNU campus on 4th...

Common students and ABVP leaders were attacked in JNU

The Left students have resorted to violence once again in JNU after their call for boycotting the registration process was rejected by the students...

యునివర్సిటీల ధుర్గతికి కారకులెవరు?

రాజగృహంలోని సాలవతి అనే పరిచారిక పుత్రుడు జీవకుడు. అతడు రాజ కుమారుడైన అభయుని చేతిలో పెరిగాడు. కొన్నాళ్లకు జీవకుడు ఏదైనా కళను అభ్యాసం చేయాలని సంకల్పించి తక్షశిల విశ్వవిద్యాలయానికి వెళ్లాడు. గొప్ప ఆయుర్వేద...

Reinvent lost treasures of Indian knowledge in new format

As the preparations for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections have begun, the faction-ridden Opposition is leaving no stone unturned to cobble together alliances to...

FoE under Attack: Movie Screening Banned at JNU

Islamo-Leftists of JNU attacked the filmmaker and disrupted the screening of 'In the Name of Love', a movie that depicts the bitter reality of...

Kathua episode brings out the Maoist-Jihadi axis in the open

Murder of vulnerable young child Aisha (name changed to protect child’s identity) in Rassana, Kathua has shaken the conscience of India. Its widespread condemnation...

Maoist’s bid to capture campus: Major concern

The Maoist rebels are trying to make inroad into universities. It is a major concern not only for the law enforcement agencies but for...

Politics of (not) being in the classroom

A paradox is a statement that may seem absurd or contradictory but yet can be true, or at least makes sense. Now, consider this....

A documentary that synced me with socio-politico realities of India –...

As I write this piece from a hotel room in Sharjah, I have in front of me local newspapers replete with colourful and wide...

JNU Delhi marks Kargil Vijay Diwas

The air of the JNU campus in Delhi, which was at the centre of a controversy for alleged anti-India slogans last year, was today...

Decoding patterns of intellectual tradition

Battles happening at educational institutes in the country have their roots in the British approach of moderating lives, where the liberals moved to set...

GN Saibaba is not alone; many #UrbanMaoists are waging war against...

Urban Maoists are double faced. Their one face is a downtrodden person, on which, you find innocence, slight foolishness, a family guy, plight and...

Freedom/Democracy vs. Nationalism

The present article has a reference to the month-long lecture series held at Pune from 17th Feb to 17th March 2016, immediately after the...