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ఉగ్ర మూలాలపై రహస్య నిఘా

కేంద్ర బృందాలు... ప్రత్యేక పోలీస్‌ ఆపరేషన్‌ , ఉగ్ర సానుభూతిపరులు.. వీసా గడువు ముగిసిన వారిపై దృష్టి ఉగ్ర ముఠాల కార్యకలాపాలు... సానుభూతిపరుల కార్యాచరణ... అనుమానాస్పద వ్యక్తుల సంచారాలపై కేంద్ర నిఘా సంస్థ అధికారులు...

India’s Surgical Strikes Into Pakistan: The Unintended Consequences

India’s surgical strikes into Pakistan has not only been a game-changer for India’s strategic assertions but as an unintended consequence stirred more notably a...

Pakistan’s Falsehood

Many people of this country are intrigued about Pakistan’s consistent denial of the surgical strikes done by the Indian armed forces across the LoC...

The Rogue State of Pakistan And The Perfidy In Geopolitics

Study history, study history. In history lie all the secrets of statecraft…” so said Winston Churchill. Around 45 years ago, as the Pakistani Army...

Pakistan Army Chief’s Adventurism 2016 and India’s Options

Pakistan Army Chiefs have compulsively resorted to Kashmir-centric military adventurism against India based on flawed and misconceived assessments on Kashmir Valley being ripe for...

Buy Peace From Barrel of a Gun: Rakesh Sinha

Uri’s grim story has hurt 130 crore people of India and the country collectively realised that days of dialogue and diplomacy with Pakistan are...

India Slams UN Human Rights, Says ‘Ambiguities’ In Its Governance

In yet another sharp rebuff to the UNHCHR's reference to Jammu and Kashmir, India today said it was concerned at "persisting ambiguities" in the...