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Only a temple will be constructed at Shri Ramjanbhoomi site


Vishnu Hindu Parishad –Dharm Sansad, Udupi Karnataka

                                                               Press Note

Udupi, 24 November 2017

Officiating the inaugural session of the Dharm Sansad, Pejawar seer Pujya Vishwesha Teertha ji Maharaj said that construction of Shri Ram temple will start within a year overcoming every obstacle in its path. Every resolution passed in Udupi Dharm Sansad in past has been realized.  In 1969, resolution was adopted to remove untouchability and in 1985 resolution to open locks of Shri Ram Janbhoomi was passed. Just as those two resolutions have been realized, similarly the third resolution too would be realized. Saints presents at the Dharm Sansad welcomed the announcement with applause and cries of Jai Shri Ram. Pujya Swami ji likened untouchability to kālakūṭa poison and said this must be eradicated from the society. He made an appeal to end the discrimination of Majority and Minority and if need be constitution must be amended to end this differentiation.

Sarsanghchalak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Shri Mohan Rao Bhagwat said Hindu society is moving towards victory, which is destined. Worldwide respect for Hindus is growing, harmonious behavior will be critical in that direction. He proclaimed that that “Equal access to Temple, Water bodies and cremation ground for all” is the growth mantra for Bharath. Regarding Gauraksha, he said it is the resolve of Hindu society and must not stop because few are attempting to defame the noble cause. On the issue of Shri Ram Janmbhoomi, he asserted that temple will be built there in the same format and with same stones and under the leadership of same people who have successfully brought the movement so far. Very soon, the cherished dream of Hindu society is going to come true.


In his welcome speech in this session, Jain Saint Veerendra Hegde ji said Hindu society is in existence since time immemorial. Despite so many vicious conspiracies and brutalities the march of Hindu society could not be abated, Hindus always remained victorious.

Offering his salutation to the saints present, Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s international working president Shri Pravin Bhai Togadia said acquisition and destruction of Temples and Maths will not be tolerated under any circumstances.  Society must be freed from curse of untouchability.  Hindu society need to soon materialize it aspirations of Ram temple and Gauraksha.  Calling on Hindu society, VHP secretary general Shri Champatrai ji, Pujya Govind Dev Giri ji Maharaj, Sukair Swami ( Mysore), Dr. Parmanand ji, Swami Nirmalanand ji of Adichunchungiri Math and Pujya Chidanand of Parmarth Niketan said that much awaited decisive moment of Hindu Victory is just around the corner and victory can be achieved only by continuing to work with outmost patience.

Speaking in the second session that was presided by Param Pujya Shivaswamiji, Swami Chinmayanandji announced plan for next Jan Jagaran ( mass awareness program) to be held between Varsh Pratipada and Hanuman Jayanthi (18 March to 31 March). He urged every Hindu to pray to their respective Ishtadev 108 times daily during this period. On the day of Hanuman Jayanthi (31 March 2018) offer collective Aartis in nearest temples to remove obstacles in the path of constructing the temple. Such mass awareness programs have played key role in transforming the condition of the nation. Every such movement has led to awaking national strength and present Saffron wave in the country is direct result of that. He expressed confidence that next Dharm Sansad will be held in grand Ram Temple under the Presidentship of Ramlala. Saints present in the Dharm Sansad accepted this call with cry of Jai Shriram.

In this session, seers like Dr. Ramvilasdas Vedanti, Mrid Gachal Arunachal ji Maharaj from Tamil Nadu, Swami Maheswaranand ji, Swami Paripoornannand ji from Andhra Pradesh also expressed confidence that energy awakened by this mass awareness program will lead to early realization of dream of building grand Ram temple.

The Dharm sansad was inaugurated lightening of lamp by Pujya Vishwesha Teertha ji, Pujya Virendra Hegde, Swami Chidanand ji, Swami Chinmayanand ji, Sarsanghchalak Dr. Mohan Bhagwat ji, Dr Pravi Togadia and other venerable Swamijis.  More than three thousand Saints from across the country partipiated in this Dharm Sansad. Girl students of Gurukul gave a new direction to women empowerment by singing Vedmantras.


Dr. Surendra Kumar Jain

Joint General Secretary – VHP

Mobile: 09215151823