Home News The Left attempting to destroy Indian culture: S. Gurumurthy

The Left attempting to destroy Indian culture: S. Gurumurthy


The left is trying to destroy India’s history, cultural heritage and individual relationships by espousing a flawed economic paradigm, noted columnist and economist Swaminathan Gurumurthy said here on Saturday, 2 April, 2017.

Delivering the keynote address at the inaugural function of Sri P Parameswaran Navati Celebrations, Shri Gurumurthy said development in the west was based on the destruction of its history, culture and individual and societal relationships. “They (left) were able to achieve the goal in Europe and Latin America,” he noted.

Even Karl Marx had thought that India could move towards a revolution by destroying its culture, he said at the function, organized by Bharatheeya Vichara Kendram (BVK). However, such a policy could not be implemented in India as it had strong cultural relationships, he argued.

Shri Gurumurthy, co-convenor of the Swadeshi Jagaran Manch that promotes Swadeshi movement, said the agenda of economic development as pursued by the western countries was a total fiasco. During the G 20 Summit (at Hangzhou, China in 2016), the US was isolated by other countries due to such a policy, he asserted.

Hailing the success of demonetization that expelled high denomination notes from circulation, he said the success of the measure was also due to the fact that people helped each other without monetary transactions. “This has proved that individual relationship and cultural heritage can also be a tool for the country’s economic development,” he stressed.

Dr .Vijay Bhatkar giving the inaugural address of P Parameswarji Navati Celebrations at A J Hall Kaloor, Ernakulam. Sri .K.C.Sudhir Babu (General Secretary,BVK), Sri.S.Gurumurthy (Columnist&Economist), Padma Shri P.Parameswaran, Sri.R.Sanjayan (Joint Director, BVK), Dr.M.Mohandas (President,BVK), Dr.A.R.S Menon(Programme Committee C0-convenor) are also seen. .[From left to right]

Further, the policy document of Niti Aayog, approved by the Union Cabinet, has a major role to play for the economic prosperity of the country, said the economist.

Shri Gurumurthy said India is marching ahead by treading on the path shown by Hindutva renaissance ideologues like Shri Parameswar. “The service of Parameswarji to the society cannot be ignored by anyone in the country,” he added.

Inaugurating the function, Dr Vijay Bhatkar, Chancellor, Nalanda University, said India would become a developed nation when knowledge seekers from all parts of the world flock to its universities. “The higher education sector in our country should be equipped to make India a knowledge base,” he added.

Dr Bhatkar said India is the only country which has maintained a strong cultural identity from the historical period. “America established its supremacy during the 20th century through its army strength. Now the 21st century is the time for India,” he added.

Sri J. Nandkumar, Akhil Bhartiya Samyojak of Prajna Pravah

The function, attended by Shri Parameswaran, was presided over by BVK General Secretary Dr M Mohandas. BVK Jt Secretary R Sanjayan, General Secretary K C Sudhir Babu and Programme Committee co-Convenor Dr A R S Menon also participated.

Courtesy: VSK Kerala