Home English Articles Without Hinduism secularism won’t survive, says Muslim woman who led Friday prayers

Without Hinduism secularism won’t survive, says Muslim woman who led Friday prayers


Secularism will survive in India only if the country retains its Hindu traditions, said K Jamida, general secretary of Quran Sunnath Society. Speaking at the Deendayal Upadyaya remembrance meet organised by BJP district committe in Kannur, Jamida said though there were death threats against her, the left parties and intellectuals in Kerala had not come to her aid.

She also said that attempts were made on her life for supporting the central government’s legislation against triple talaq and campaigning against the wrong customs and priesthood in Islam. “I’m being targeted for trying to reform society. Deendayal Upadyaya and founder of Quran Sunnath Society Chekannur Moulavi paid with their lives for doing the same thing. Deendayal Upadyaya died under mysterious circumstances. What was his fault? Only one man was sentenced for strangulating Chekannur Moualavi to death. The other accused are roaming free, in search for the next prey,’ said Jamida.

“Left and progressive intellectuals have come out in full support for poet Kureepuzha Sreekumar. All that the organizers of the meet he took part did was to point out to the poet that he was hurting religious sentiments. He was also urged to keep the composition of the audience in mind while speaking,” she said

“When organizers told Kureepuzha that they did not agree with his stand, it was even termed a murder attemps and the poet received widespread support. However, if there had been even one person with a Muslim-sounding name among those who opposed the peot, Kureepuzha would not have received such backing,” said Jamida.

The person who tried to kill me was a Muslim, so no one came to my support, she added.

Attacking the Muslim League and SDPI for being parties working solely for Muslims, she said BJP and RSS are organizations which welcomed persons belonging to all religions.

“Hindus belonging to all castes should unite to ensure that India does not become and Islamic country,” she said. Referring to the Akhila-Hadiya case, she said those supporting Akhila should remember that Akhila’s parents too have their rights. The Central government introduced the Bill against triple talaq as it could empathise with the hardships face by Muslim women, said Jamida.

On the occasion, the Malayalam translation of Deendayal Upadyaya’s ‘Integral Humanism’ was released by BJP former state president CK Padmanabhan by handing over copies of the book to Jamida and Prof. P.N. Sathyanath.

“Muslims are massacring even other Muslims all over the world in the name of the Prophet and the Holy Quran as Islamic scholars failed to teach the real essence of the Holy Book to followers,” said Padhamanabhan.

BJP district president P. Satyaprakash presided over the function. State general secretary B Gopalakrishnan, state cell coordinator K. Ranjit and district general secretaries KK Vinod Kumar, MK Vinod and K. Radhakrishnan also spoke.

Courtesy: Manorama online