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Time to build the temple


It is the single most important issue for the Hindus of this country.  RamJanmabhoomi strikes an emotional chord, at once, It throws you into a deep sense of Pride and a belonging for this land. At the same time there is despair that the single most important identity for this country –“Lord Ram“ his birth place has been taken away from the Hindus.

Why is the Ram Janma Bhoomi important for Hindus – Ram Janmabhoomi – Literally “Birthplace of Ram” is important for Hindus because the location that is specified in the scriptures is same as the disputed site in Ayodhya. It is important for our collective identity(collective I mean Hindus and Muslims since we are all from the same land and have common ancestors).

The long and tortuous litigation for the possession of the disputed site seems to be getting closer as days pass by.  There seems to be a sense of urgency this time around, times seems to favor to get Ram Lalla released from bondage.

The first litigation that was filed in 1885 was dismissed by the English judge saying that the temple was destroyed 385 years ago and too late to address the grievance (though he regretted that a mosque has been constructed at a place revered by the Hindus). Since 1949 there is a history of continuous litigations and debates in the public on the ownership of the disputed site.

The latest Judgement on September 30, 2010 by the Allahabad HC awarded two-thirds of Ayodhya site to Hindu parties, one-third to Waqf Board. This was challenged in the SC and it is set to hear the case on Dec 5 th 2017.

The disputed site has been subjected to many excavations and investigations on whether a temple existed below the Babri mosque. Broadly all excavation reports do support existence of a massive structure below the disputed site. The latest ASI study in 2003 clearly talks about existence of a temple http://www.rediff.com/news/2003/aug/25ayo1.htm.

Islamic invaders have destroyed thousands of temples and built mosques on their debris, Somanth, Kashi, Mathura are prominent- find the full list here – https://vhsindia.org/list-of-mosques-in-various-states-which-were-built-after-demolishing-hindu-temples/. It is heartbreaking to see mosques abutting Krishna janmasthan and Kashi Visweshwar temples, is this possible in any other place in the world.  Should we beg to restore a temple at one of Hinduism’s greatest sites? There are thousands of mosques built on Hindu temples we are not asking them to be restored.

Coming to the media and intellectuals who spare their wisdom of building hospitals, schools and what not at the disputed site my advice is keep it for themselves. This matter is not about adjustments it is about belief and faith.

Time has come to build a grand temple in Ayodhya for Maryada Purushottam Ram. To be built for everyone in this country cutting across religions and other barriers this will stand as a symbol of unity and religious co-operation in this country.

By Rama Murthy Prabhala